Buguei: A Martial Art Gaining Popularity in Cuba

Delivery of a present to the Teacher by the Faculty of Physical Culture of the University of Holguín. Photos by the author and courtesy of the National Board of Directors.

Two days spent on topics such as dislocations, throws, ground work, kata and defense against short stick attacks recently gave style to the “Fajardo” gym in Holguín, where each repetition and rectification supported the delivery of recognitions and certificates of participation.

A martial art of Japanese origin, whose first practitioners were the samurai during the feudal period, buguei, held its 2nd International Seminar, taught by Master Manuel Antonio Ortiz Ortiz (10th Dan Black Belt), who rescued it in the ‘ 80 in Spain.

Collaboration intentions, through the University of Holguín, between Cuba and the International Department of the School of Physical Preparation, Buguei and Shitai-Do – based in Spain –, similar to others that link the Houses of Higher Studies of La Havana and Cienfuegos were disclosed at the event, about which Ortiz Ortiz commented: “What has been done here is incredible, a room was reactivated, with a lot of effort, and that deserves applause. Every objective takes work, it is not that easy. In Cuba there is a constant struggle to add interns and this was a magnificent opportunity.”

The President of the International Buguei Federation gave the lessons for a couple of days.

Luis Alberto Bermúdez, National Head of Rules and Arbitration of the discipline, commented: “Adherents from several provinces participated, as well as invited martial arts personalities, who shared in theoretical and practical sessions. The previous Seminar was organized in Camagüey last year, where the National Board of Directors was consolidated and we drew up guidelines for the optimal functioning of its work system.”

The buguei, Bermúdez noted, is also considered a Defense System, demonstrated through the 10 katas it has, which it develops from its 5th kyu yellow belt to its 5th Dan black belt, consisting of the execution against various offensive ways.

Photo: Facebook profile of BUGUEI CUBA INTERNACIONAL

This martial art was nourished by basic elements of others, with emphasis on karate, judo and aikido techniques, clarified José Gilberto García, national technical director.

Their initial meeting in Cuba took place in 1999 in Moa, at the Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez Higher Mining-Metalurgical Institute, with a demonstration by Maestro Ortiz Ortiz. However, in 2020 it began its practice in a more organized way in the province, whose representative was champion of the country’s first competition, held in 2022.

Photo: Facebook profile of BUGUEI CUBA INTERNACIONAL

“The National Board of Directors seeks, by increasing knowledge about buguei, to create and promote values ​​such as discipline, courage, humility and respect for others, among others, since it can be practiced by people of any age and who have any physical disability. Its systematic training promotes physical exercise as an appropriate way to improve the quality of life and health,” stressed its vice president, Nivaldo Betancourt.

In addition to Holguín, the so-called Military Art or Art of War has also gained popularity in Camagüey, Granma and Cienfuegos, according to its translation into Spanish, although several schools have emerged in Las Tunas and Santiago de Cuba, there was another in Villa Clara and it is planned the prompt creation of one in Havana.

Author: Nelson Rodríguez Roque


Graduate in Sociocultural Studies Sports Journalist and Historical and Political Journalist

2024-01-08 22:23:56
#Holguín #hosted #International #Buguei #Seminar


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