Conegliano Dominates European Volleyball with Perfect 20-0 Season Record

Played 20 games this season, won 20 games. A series doesn’t have to be much more impressive to indicate that Conegliano is the absolute top of European volleyball at the moment.

The Italian team traveled to Beveren with only one goal: quickly grab the three points. Asterix Avo was able to keep pace with the visitors until 8-10, but then the pace accelerated and the sledgehammer of Swedish main attacker Isabelle Haak took over.

11-25 in set 1 was a strong signal, but no reason to stop the battle at Asterix Avo. The home team started the second set with renewed courage. A clever tip ball from setter Charlotte Krenicky caused the supporters to bounce back at 3-1.

But in volleyball, only the law of the strongest counts. Conegliano played with his opponent and conjured combinations out of his hat. It was no coincidence that the set ball – a fantasy through the middle – also fell exactly on the back line. 14-25 and therefore also 0-2.

As if there was another plane waiting for the Italian women, they also increased the pace in the third set.

The pressure started on the service line, Conegliano himself was rock solid defensively. Polish setter Joanna Wolosz – perhaps the best in the world – had a great time with the perfect service she received. In the end, 14-25 was a no more than logical score.

Asterix Avo also loses its fifth match in the Champions League. Now it has been definitively eliminated from the champions’ ball. A positive final note should be sounded in Stuttgart next week.

2024-01-11 22:49:02
#Conegliano #impresses #Asterix #Avos #home #match #simply #world #class


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