Çukurova Basketball President Serdar Çevirgen Speaks Out After Controversial Final Loss in ING Women’s Basketball Turkey Cup

Çukurova Basketball President Serdar Çevirgen, who was defeated by Fenerbahçe Alagöz Holding with a three-pointer in the last second of overtime in the ING Women’s Basketball Turkey Cup final, in which they participated as the last champion, said that the opponent player had clearly taken a step before the match they conceded in the last second of overtime, but this mistake, which was not evaluated by the referees, was considered a part of the sport. He said that they accepted it as a natural situation.

Congratulating both his opponents and his own team for the fight, Çevirgen used the following statements in his written statement:

As ÇBK Mersin, we are happy to be a part of one of the best finals in the history of the ING Turkish Cup. I congratulate once again Galatasaray Çağdaş Faktoring in the quarter-finals and Beşiktaş, whom we eliminated with a good game in the semi-finals. I congratulate Fenerbahçe Alagöz Holding, with whom we fought in the final match, for their fight. We would like to thank our referees, who showed a near-perfect management throughout the match, but in the last second of the match, they decided to walk with the ball they did not see and gave the invalid point, costing our city a cup. Even though this wrong decision made us lose a cup, we accept that such situations are in the nature of sports and focus on the upcoming finals. In this context, I would like to congratulate our team and technical team who could not reach the championship even though they deserved it. We know that the human factor is still dominant in the refereeing institution, but we would like to make a note in history that this final was marked by the position missed by the referees at the last second. As ÇBK Mersin basketball organization, we will continue our investments in this league and this game with the new finals we will play. When our organization deems it necessary for its natural goal of championships, it will make the necessary transfers and bring another cup to our city. In addition, they always support our team; We would like to thank Governor Mr. Ali Hamza Pehlivan, Yenişehir Mayor Mr. Abdullah Özyiğit, MIP, all our sponsors and our valuable fans who supported us.

2024-01-06 08:50:32
#statement #Çukurova #Basketball #president #Serdar #Çevirgen


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