Custom Chiropractic Helluk: A Unique Approach to Trigger Point Treatment


Impressed by the fact that the Kempo teacher he studied under was also a therapist and had many patients who relied on him, he decided to follow the same path. He obtained a qualification as a judo therapist and continued training at a chiropractic clinic. He devised his own “trigger point treatment” and finally opened “Custom Chiropractic Helluk”.


Custom-made chiropractic Heruk

Address: 158-0092
2-16-13 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo URL

TsuruhisaI heard that CEO Suematsu has a 20-year career as a therapist.

SuematsuI used to study Kenpo, and the teacher was also a therapist. I was moved by seeing patients come to see me one after another after being told by their doctors, “We don’t know the cause,” and “There’s no cure,” and I decided to follow in his footsteps. Eventually, I became qualified as a judo therapist, and after training at chiropractic clinics in Osaka and Tokyo, I opened my own clinic.

TsuruhisaPlease tell us more about your particular practice.

SuematsuOur clinic uses a unique treatment called “trigger point treatment” to help patients resolve their concerns. Unlike massage, which only provides relief, this “trigger point treatment” improves the patient’s body from the ground up, and the main feature of this treatment is that you will feel pain during the treatment. The strong massage corrects the shape of the bones, causing pain that feels like it’s coming from inside your body. But don’t worry. With repeated treatments, this pain will subside as your discomfort improves. I always use a certain amount of force, but when patients who no longer feel pain say, “Recently, the treatments have become gentler,” I say, “That’s proof that they’re healing.” I’ll explain.

TsuruhisaI see. Does the way pain is felt differ depending on the patient?

SuematsuYes, some people feel pain at a strength of 20 out of 100, while others can tolerate up to 80. That’s why I deliver reliable results through custom-made chiropractic treatments tailored to each individual. I feel very fulfilled when I see a patient who had given up thinking that treatment might not be possible, finally improve with the treatments we offer at our hospital and smile again.

TsuruhisaActually, I am also suffering from lower back and shoulder problems. Could you please perform the treatment?

SuematsuOf course I’m happy. Could you please lie down? Let’s start.

Tsuruhisa(After treatment) Ah, I see. You will feel a pinpoint pain as if you were being given an injection. But this is a pleasant pain. First of all, they explain that it hurts, so I can tolerate it. What’s more, my body started to feel more and more comfortable during the treatment. This is so real!

SuematsuMr. Tsuruku’s body also became quite relaxed. If you repeat the treatment several times, you will gradually recover. Our hospital’s name “Heluk” is a coined word meaning “health shock.” The name was chosen with the intention of shocking patients by restoring their health after experiencing pain. I will continue to use my advanced technology and extensive experience to resolve patients’ concerns. We also aim to improve the environment in this industry, where many people suffer from low wages. To that end, we build relationships of trust with patients and help those who are truly in need!

2023-12-31 23:01:39
#Custommade #Chiropractic #Heruk #Representative #Judo #Therapist #Kenzaburo #Suematsu


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