Fajar Alfian: Results, Schedule, and Rankings in All Badminton Tournaments

Fajar Alfian results, schedule and rankings in all badminton tournaments in which Fajar Alfian participated.

Prossima partita di Fajar Alfian

Fajar Alfian is playing next match on 16 Jan 2024, 06:50:00 UTC against Alfian F / Ardianto MR in India Open (WT) 2018, Doubles.

When the match starts, you will be able to follow the live results of Alfian F / Ardianto MR vs Man WC / Tee KW, updated point by point.

Statistics are updated at the end of the match.

Ultima partita at Fajar Alfian

Fajar Alfian match table shows last 100 badminton matches with statistics and win/loss icons.

All scheduled matches of Fajar Alfian that will be played in the future are also present.

Fajar Alfian performance and form graph is Sofascore’s exclusive algorithm that we generate from the team’s last 10 matches, statistics, detailed analysis and our own knowledge.

This graph can help you predict Fajar Alfian’s future matches.

For today’s badminton matches and results, visit our badminton live scores and schedule page.

2024-01-15 08:37:10
#Risultati #calendario #Fajar #Alfian


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