Fitness and losing weight as resolutions for 2024: What type of fitness am I?

New year, new resolutions, new beginnings. At the beginning of the year, you see toned women’s and men’s bodies everywhere, on posters, on Instagram, even in the bouldering hall a muscular woman in a sports bra smiles at me from the poster. Back in shape, 2024 will be a hit, your year-end spurt starts now (long spurt), Make 2024 your year, 2024 starts sportily, the advertising copywriters for fitness studios have become creative. New year, new me.

A few days ago I saw people jogging behind glass windows – in the gym – why? The forest is beautiful too. We know that strength training is important, strengthens muscles and tendons, and even prevents illness. But I find myself imagining myself training in this room.


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