Former Boxer on Trial for Rampaging Against Ex’s Jeep on Cassia: Witnesses Speak Out

Court – Far West on the Cassia – The trial of the former boxer who sowed panic in Vetralla last year is underway – He would have caused six thousand euros in damage to the offended party’s Jeep


Vetralla – ( – He rammed and beat the car with ex and rival on board, the victims to the judge: “We barricaded inside terrified”. Accused of having sown panic on the Cassia, by boarding up the car with the ex and her new boyfriend on board, he allegedly caused damage to the rival’s car amounting to six thousand euros.

Thus, yesterday before judge Alessandra Aiello – with the testimony of the two victims and the calculation of the damages – the trial with immediate judgment of the 49-year-old former boxer from Vetralla who on 20 February last year, a Monday afternoon, barred with a baseball bat the Jeep in which the ex and her new boyfriend were travelling, blocked at a stop sign in Cura di Vetralla, then chased and rammed in reverse on the Cassia and finally intercepted at a service area where the off-road vehicle would be was beaten. He must answer for private violence, threats and damage.

Wild West scenes witnessed by passing motorists and moments of pure terror for the victims, forced to barricade themselves inside the vehicle while the accused ordered the driver to get out.

“He crashed in front of us, while I was joining the Cassia at the stop sign in front of a bar in Cura, then he got out of the car shouting at me from the window ‘get out and I’ll beat you to death’ while kicking and punching the door. First I put the safety locks, then I told my partner to take refuge in the back and hide under the back seat, managing to take Cassia towards Vetralla, while he chased me”, said the partner of the accused’s ex, a 43-year-old also from Vetralla, explaining that he met the former boxer in the gym, where he coached him, before getting engaged to his ex from six years earlier.

“When we reached the pharmacy on Cassia he managed to overtake me – he said -, hitting me on the side, then he pinned me in front, coming at me in reverse. Having managed to escape, despite the damage to the car, I stopped in the lot of the nearby petrol station, whose cameras recorded the whole scene. He came after me and there he started to beat up the car, in my opinion with a baseball bat, although I’m not sure because when he came at the window I felt like closing my eyes.”

Several witnesses from the petrol station, including a policeman, while the Vetralla carabinieri carried out the investigations which led to the house arrest of the accused, who is still subject to an approach ban, the revocation of which was opposed by the 43-year-old, heard by the judge in this regard. The accused, who remained under house arrest for only a few weeks, from 27 February to 14 April last year, is defended by the lawyer Luigi Mancini, replaced yesterday by his colleague Nicol Crocetti.

The reconstruction of the events made by the accused’s ex is more sparse: “I threw myself behind and hid under the seats out of fear, so I didn’t see anything. I was terrified. I could hear the screams, the blows on the car, the blows on the bodywork, but I couldn’t say with what”, she explained, still evidently shaken and traumatized by the incident, for which, like her partner, she was unable to give an explanation. .

The damage was enormous, in addition to the fear. “I spent six thousand euros to fix the car,” said the offended party.

The trial was postponed to February 14 to hear two carabinieri, the last witnesses for the prosecution, and the discussion.

Presumption of innocence

In the Italian criminal system the presumption of innocence applies until the final sentence. Presumption of innocence which is based on article 27 of the Italian constitution according to which a person “is not considered guilty until finally convicted”.

January 18, 2024
2024-01-18 04:55:49
#rammed #beat #car #rival #board #victims #barricaded #cockpit #terrified


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