French Sports Leaders Face Perjury Charges Amid #MeToo Movement

JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP The former president of the French Federation of Judo and associated disciplines (FFJDA), Jean-Luc Rougé. (photo from October 2017)


The former president of the French Federation of Judo and associated disciplines (FFJDA), Jean-Luc Rougé. (photo from October 2017)

JUSTICE – The #MeToo of French sport continues, with a bang. After a series of chilling testimonies from victims of sexual violence and sometimes very tense hearings from leaders, the deputies of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the failings of sports federations completed their work on December 19. And according to information from Mondeconfirmed at HuffPost by the Paris public prosecutor’s office, this Thursday, January 4, after more than 90 hearings, the commission issued, last December 26, six reports to the courts for perjury.

These reports were made under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which requires civil servants who have knowledge of offenses to report them to the courts, and in this case to the public prosecutor.

Among the six people targeted, five French sports leaders are suspected by parliamentarians of not having denounced acts of sexual and gender-based violence of which they may have been aware.

These are the president of the French Equestrian Federation (FFE) Serge Lecomte, the president of the ice sports federation (FFSG) Gwenaëlle Noury, the former president of the French Federation of Judo and associated disciplines ( FFJDA) Jean-Luc Rougé, the legal director of the French Football Federation (FFF) Jean Lapeyre, and the director general of the National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (Insep), Fabien Canu.

The offense of perjury is punishable by five years of imprisonment.

The last one concerned is the president of the French Tennis Federation (FFT), Gilles Moretton, for alleged perjury concerning financial elements. On October 27, the leader notably “arranged with the truth before the commission by arguing that the “subject” of suspicions of corruption and misappropriation of public property weighing on him and in connection with the Roland-Garros ticket office was “closed””write our colleagues from Monde. However, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened a preliminary investigation on this subject last summer.

The Paris prosecutor is now free to take legal action or not on these reports. These “are currently awaiting allocation to the competent sections”specifies the prosecution to the HuffPost a you Monde.

The offense of perjury is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros, according to article 434-13 of the Penal Code. Under this article, the author of false testimony is exempt from punishment. “if he spontaneously retracted his testimony before the decision putting an end to the procedure rendered by the investigating court or by the trial court”.

Launched last summer for six months, the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the failures of sports federations heard several victims of sexual violence, including former tennis hopeful Angélique Cauchy on September 5. She had described that day the multiple rapes by her former trainer when she was a minor. “I kind of died at 12”she confided during this moving testimony, before recounting her path to “rebuild”.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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2024-01-04 17:04:57
#executives #French #sports #federations #accused #covered #affairs


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