Great Victory for UEB Gesteco Cividale Against Pallacanestro Trieste

Climate of great occasions at the PalaGesteco for the fourth match of the season between UEB Cividale and coach Jamion Christian’s Pallacanestro Trieste after the precedents of the Bortoluzzi tournament, the Supercoppa and the first leg at the PalaRubini. A match in which the Alabardati had always managed to prevail at the end of the match, however always in question until the final stages.

The Eagles were called to reverse the trend and the prediction as well as increase the ranking to keep up with the competitors for direct salvation, thanks to the push of the Yellow Tide, from the newfound climate of confidence after the two fundamental consecutive successes against the former league leaders Forlì and in the direct clash of Pala Flaminio against RBR Rimini and the addition of the newcomer former NBA Doron Lamb who took over from Vincent Cole.

The feat was achieved by a Gesteco who played an absolute level race both in a competitive and technical sense and certified that they were fully back in the running to remain in the A2 series through the main door.


The news (Source: UEB Cividale Press Office) – We start with Redivo, Lamb, Mastellari, Dell’Agnello and Miani for Cividale and Brooks, Ruzzier, Ferrero, Deangeli and Candussi for Trieste for a start to the race characterized by maximum balance with careful defenses and good ball circulation.

Gesteco, however, remains healthy and gradually brings the score in its favor to 16-9 at 3’18” thanks to good ball circulation and the attacking contribution of all the men on the parquet, before accelerating further and closing in on the lead. 25-13 the first half with a good impact from “Baby” Marangon in the final part of the half.

The start of the second period sees the young home talent still playing with the authority of a veteran and Cividale keeping their “hands” on the match with a tough defense and great pace going forward, leading 31-17 with 6’48” and then 36-20 at 4’05” after Redivo’s first triple with coach Christian calling a minute to “reorganize” his team and stop the inertia; the intent, however, does not produce the desired effects because the Redivo and Lamb hammer from the arc and the Giuliani red and white suffer the defense and often fire blanks for the 46-24 with which we go to the long interval.

When hostilities resume, Trieste tries to mend the score with a mini-partial of 5-0 but then the “Mayor” Redivo takes over as assist-man and sends his team to 54-29 with 6’03” before the ducals slow down the pace and the guests reopen the match, finding the percentages from the arc with Filly and Brooks, reaching -12 (58-46) with the scoreboard fixed at the penultimate siren at 61-46 due to a triple by Rota upon expiration.

Trieste starts again, returning to -13 after 3 free throws by Filloy following a dubious foul called on Berti and puts pressure on the entire field when the score is 65-51 with 6’19” left and the ball in the hands of the Eagles; the home crowd follows the final stages with bated breath because Trieste doesn’t give up and threatens to lead to -10 (70-60) with 2’34” left with Gesteco struggling to find the way to the basket before a crucial triple from Dell ‘Agnello at 2’04” (73-60) and a step infringement called against Brooks at 1’18” opened the doors to the well-deserved success of the Friulian yellow-blues which resulted in the final 81-66 which made the Marea explode with joy Yellow.


UEB Gesteco Cividale – Pallacanestro Trieste 81-66 (25-13, 21-11, 15-22, 20-20)

UEB Gesteco Cividale: Giacomo Dell’aggi 14 (3/4, 1/1), Doron Lamb 13 (5/7, 1/4), Gabriele Miani 12 (6/10, 0/1), Lucio Redivo 12 (3 /5, 2/7), Eugenio Rota 8 (0/2, 2/4), Leonardo Marangon 7 (2/3, 1/2), Matteo Berti 6 (3/3, 0/0), Martino Mastellari 5 (1/4, 1/2), Luca Campani 4 (2/3, 0/1), NicolÒ Isotta 0 (0/0, 0/1), Giovanni Begni 0 (0/0, 0/0), Giacomo Furin 0 (0/0, 0/0)
Free throws: 7 / 10 – Rebounds: 31 10 + 21 (Gabriele Miani 6) – Assists: 23 (Lucio Redivo 9)

Trieste Basketball: Eli jameson Brooks 17 (4/9, 3/9), Ariel Filloy 15 (0/3, 4/8), Giovanni Vildera 11 (4/7, 0/0), Luca Campogrande 7 (1/3 , 1/6), Francesco Candussi 6 (0/3, 1/4), Lodovico
Deangeli 5 (0/2, 1/2), Giancarlo Ferrero 3 (1/1, 0/3), Michele Ruzzier 2 (1/2, 0/1), Stefano Bossi 0 (0/1, 0/2) , Massimiliano Obljubech 0 (0/0, 0/0), Matteo Rolli 0 (0/0, 0/0), Danny Camporeale 0 (0/0, 0/0)
Free throws: 14 / 19 – Rebounds: 34 14 + 20 (Francesco Candussi 8) – Assists: 12 (Ariel Filloy 4)

2024-01-19 23:33:49
#Pallacanestro #Trieste #beat #Pallacanestro #Trieste #packed #PalaGesteco


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