Indianapolis Colts Owner Jim Irsay Found Unconscious and Suspected of Overdose

Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay was reportedly found unconscious, out of breath and cold due to a suspected overdose last December.

This is what the TMZ site put forward on Wednesday. According to documents obtained by the outlet, authorities described the incident as an “overdose” and “overdose-poisoning.”

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Police were called to Irsay’s home around 4:30 a.m. on Dec. 8 after the 64-year-old was found unconscious on his bathroom floor. The billionaire was in his bed when the police arrived, but he was experiencing breathing problems, had a weak pulse and had constricted pupils. He was reportedly given a dose of Narcan, which can be used to help people who have overdosed on opiates.

Last November, in an interview with journalist Andrea Kremer, Irsay revealed that he had struggled with addiction. He explained that he has been through detoxification “at least 15 times” and has previously overdosed by mixing multiple drugs.

2024-01-17 20:42:04
#NFL #Colts #owner #overdose


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