Inter: Dimarco, celebration? I didn’t mean to offend anyone – Football

The celebration of Inter winger Federico Dimarco after the penalty missed by Verona striker Thomas Henry in this afternoon’s match sparked controversy, on social media and beyond. So Dimarco himself wanted to intervene personally, with a post on Instagram: “Did I rejoice? Yes, I rejoiced and a lot. Without insulting anyone, without rude gestures, I rejoiced so much for the victory, for the ‘fright’ and for the danger escaped. It’s sport and it’s also beautiful for this reason. Unfortunately it’s also severe and cruel towards those on the other side – the words of Dimarco, who rejoiced in front of Henry after the mistake -. And I’m sorry if all this joy instinctively exploded in me in front of Henry who had just missed the penalty and I rejoiced in front of him. In my gut, I’m sincere.”

“Someone will say that it’s not a beautiful thing and they’re probably right, but I didn’t want to offend anyone, so much so that at the final whistle, even before celebrating with my teammates, I went to hug him – continued the former Verona Inter player (48 appearances in the yellow-blue shirt ed.) -. And I did the same thing in the locker room after the match with my former teammates. Because this is sport. You win, you lose, you rejoice, you cry and at the end you hug each other. Ai moralists I say: criticize me but look at everything that happens on the pitch, not just what is convenient for you, thank you”, concluded Dimarco.

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2024-01-06 20:38:07
#Inter #Dimarco #celebration #didnt #offend #Football


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