International Personal Data Day 2024 – El Sol de México

INAI Commissioner, Josefina Román

The International Day for the Protection of Personal Data is celebrated internationally every January 28 on the occasion of the opening for signature of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with respect to the Automated Processing of Personal Data of the Council of Europe, which was later supplemented through Treaty 181, on November 8, 2001, relating to control authorities and cross-border data flows, and amended through Treaty number 223, which is known as the modernized Convention 108.

This Convention is perhaps the most representative international instrument on the protection of personal data with the character of a fundamental right, of which our country is a part, as well as its additional protocol, as of October 1, 2018, as ordered by both Promulgatory Decrees published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on September 28, 2018.

At the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) we have joined this important date, through keynote conferences, panels and work tables, where experts from academia, the sector public and private, reflect and share experiences about the importance of personal data protection and privacy, in current relevant aspects; In past editions, this Institute has promoted analysis of the digital economy, the national cybersecurity strategy, the use of artificial intelligence systems, and the importance of this human right in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The protection of personal data must advance alongside the development and innovation derived from emerging technologies in order to put the human being at the center and preserve their dignity, and, among the various issues and challenges that arise for such purposes, it is necessary promote an inclusive approach in the legislative and public policy agenda on digital technologies, to address the challenges that Artificial Intelligence, neuro and immersive technologies present to us today, responsible management of biometric personal data, as well as biomedical treatments and genetic, the preparation of protection capabilities against quantum computing capabilities, among many other aspects that are transforming society and that concern humanity.

That is why, at the INAI we actively encourage these to achieve the greatest reach and to this end, we have sought to extend this commemoration to the federal entities through the Privacy Route, since the aspects identified in the technological field are They move to the world of law through the analysis of new paradigms that make us talk about digital rights, neuro rights and continually resize the scope of the concept of privacy and the application framework for the protection of personal data and its due governance.

Thus, in the Mexican case, through this commemoration we can open spaces for reflection to outline proposals for solutions or actions to include in the agenda, since it is inevitable that the measures to safeguard the privacy of the owners must find the balance to ensure that access to innovations in various fields is guided by ethical principles and elements that guarantee the well-being of human beings.

2024-01-04 06:00:00
#International #Personal #Data #Day #Sol #México


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