Introducing ‘Padre Amos’: A Comedy Starring Simone Luciani

From an important but lateral character in “Happy and Rude” to the absolute protagonist. Thursday and Friday at 9pm “Padre Amos” arrives at the Nuovo Sala Gassman theater in a comedy all his own. Simone Luciani, writer, director and actor of Enrico Maria Falconi’s Blue in the Face (creator of this frontier priest), increasingly mature and at ease in the art of making people smile and reflect at the same time, is responsible for promoting him. In this first adventure as a frontman, Father Amos, a priest who found his vocation behind the bars of a cell not in a monastery but in the Regina Coeli prison, faces everyday life with great “serenity”: in one hand he holds the breviary, in ‘another a baseball bat. A man with a tender heart, but who does not give up on asserting justice and bringing the Word even with “rough” methods given that he knows all aspects of life well having been on the other side of the fence for a long time. A somewhat comical and somewhat grumpy character, who draws from the best-known cinematic priests such as Fernandel’s Don Camillo and Carlo Verdone’s pedantic and moralistic character. All in a typically Roman slang that makes Father Amos even more fun. On stage together with Simone Luciani, who also wrote the text and directed the film, three other young emerging artists from Blue in the face complete the cast: Filippo Granati, Matteo Tusculano and Leonardo Ben Riane. The Gassman box office is open from Monday to Friday from 5pm to 8pm and on Saturday and Sunday from one hour before the start of the shows. For information, call 328/1224154.

2024-01-08 21:37:15
#Father #Amos #priest #breviary #baseball #bat #arrives #Gassman #theater


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