Italia Viva Social Event: Citizens Connect with Municipal Representatives

The Circolo di Italia Viva – Rocca di Papa, as part of its activities aimed at the public, has decided to start a social event ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???? ???? ???????????????????????? of ours city.

???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? The representatives, who represent the ideas and motions that are brought to the attention of the board on a daily basis by many citizens, will be present on a weekly basis at the section to welcome all those who wish to meet their representatives at the council municipal.

The calendar of appointments, which will be communicated through The event will be an opportunity for citizens to bring suggestions, problems and critical issues of our territory to the attention of the councillors. These, in turn, may become the subject of motions and questions during the municipal councils, to give the citizen a lively voice in the municipal house.

Furthermore, Italia Viva announces that the section will remain open, with a calendar being defined, also for 2020 and 2020. Thank you for the many job opportunities that have opened up in recent months at Ministries ed other public bodies, Army, RAI – Radio Television Italia and others. In this way, in addition to providing a useful service for all citizens, we will return to preside over that historic center which, the fulcrum of our city, is an area in constant expectation and need of a 360-degree redevelopment, and on which our political activity and society wants to continue betting.

2024-01-31 01:33:50
#Rocca #Papa #Santis #Casciotti #start #series #meetings #citizens


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