Katterbach’s Departure Looms as Contract Nears End: Hamburger SV Potential Buyer

He was once the great young hope at Geißbockheim and should follow in the big footsteps of Jonas Hector (33). But nothing will come of it, Noah Katterbach’s (22) FC chapter is now coming to an end without having achieved anything.

It will be over by summer at the latest, when the contract expires. The left-back has already told those responsible that he would like to change. Both sides would prefer to put an end to their time together, from which everyone had expected much more. Hamburger SV is available as a buyer.

Noah Katterbach’s transfer date is still open

But there are several catches. Katterbach still has a mega contract with FC from his Heldt days, which makes him one of the top earners in the team and would like to take the big money with him before departure. Because at HSV he would earn far less in the future than he does currently.

In addition, the second division team does not want to dig too deep into their pockets for the two-time winner of the Fritz Walter Medal and is currently hoping for a concession from the Cologne bosses. But as of now there is nothing to indicate that. It looks more like HSV will strike for free in the summer.

This poses a certain risk in terms of sport for the Rothosen, who are pushing with all their might to get back into the Bundesliga. Because Katterbach plays no role in Timo Schultz’s (46) Bundesliga plans and – if nothing extraordinary happens – will no longer play a game for the FC professionals. The same could also apply to the U21s.

On the one hand, the once so down-to-earth Eifler is said to have little desire to play in the regional league, and on the other hand, those responsible understandably want to rely on players who see their future in Cologne and will continue to take the club forward in the future.

In plain language this means: Katterbach is threatened with six months in the stands. A scenario that HSV should consider and that certainly does not make the negotiating position for FC any worse. There is still enough time, the transfer window doesn’t close until February 1st. It is quite possible that things will move again by then.

2024-01-15 16:01:10
#Grandstand #Cologne #threatens #exhopeful #leave


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