Lecce-Cagliari: idealism and extremism compared

The weather forecast doesn’t leave too much hope and the risk, for those like me who cross the city from the station to the stadium, is that of running into a classic water bomb which would make the state of mind with which to approach this match truly mortifying. . One of those that pits two of the most extremist and idealistic fans of our ultras scene against each other.

Luckily the walk that leads me to the stadium ends with the rain mixed with wind which begins to ruin the evening just as I enter, then characterizing the entire match and cheering inside the stadium. Via del Mare and no less complicated is it for me to shoot in these extreme situations.

Starting from the Curva Nord Lecce, some small gaps catch the eye especially when compared to the usual compact wall, a more than understandable situation given the extreme weather conditions which, indeed, enhance today’s presence even more. The ultras, the hard core remains there, stoic and without any sign of weakening under the pouring water. Not even their incitement is affected by the critical issues, being good on a vocal level and, although difficult, it is very characteristic to photograph. Flags almost absent, for obvious reasons, there is no shortage of some torches lit and thrown onto the track or left to burn between the legs of those present, restoring that retro atmosphere that never hurts.

From Cagliari a large group positions itself in the lower part. All behind the scenes Sconvolts. Nothing to say, the story speaks for them. There are actually many pauses, but when the choirs start they are decisive, compact and make themselves heard loudly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a choice or a contingency, the result is certainly better than perpetual cheering but which remains in the background without ever really being felt. Many and very beautiful handfuls, even numerically their presence is important, and also shows a certain growth trend, all further amplified by the distance and the difficult logistics that the islanders have to deal with every time.

CO text
Photo CO and Tot.ti.

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2024-01-12 18:54:59
#LecceCagliari #idealism #extremism #compared


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