Marine Johannès: Balancing Passion and Profession in Women’s Basketball

By Guillaume K. | Sports journalist

For men, basketball has long since evolved from a passion into a simple profession, which explains some quite surprising career choices on the part of some. But what about girls? Marine Johannès gave her version of the facts.

At almost 29 years old, Marine Johannès is one of the greatest legends in the history of French women’s basketball. Already because she has a fairly impressive record with her four medals for the national team and her numerous club titles, but also because she is the face of the development of this discipline.

If the NBA has been followed for decades in France, thanks in particular to the influence of Michael Jordan, LeBron James or even Tony Parker, this summer of 2023 was the first where the WNBA was also talked about. The rivalry between the Liberty and the Aces has put women’s sport at the heart of the debates, and even LeBron James was fired up by the performances of our Frenchwoman.

Passion or profession? Marine Johannès cash on basketball

If the discipline develops, how do the players see it from the inside? Are they still in a passionate state of mind, or are they starting to approach it as a profession? In the podcast “ TimeOut Cabioc’h ! », the ASVEL star gave his version of the facts. For her, passion always plays an important role.

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As soon as I started playing basketball I told myself that I wanted to become professional. Yes it’s a job, but I don’t consider basketball as a job. For me, work means going to the office every day, being in a suit and tie, with a small computer. Sometimes we worry too much, it should remain our passion.

But as your career progresses you are forced to think that it is a profession and no longer a simple passion. You earn a pretty significant amount of money anyway, so it’s just you and the sport. There are the conditions of your club, its objectives…

Marine Johannès is aware that she is privileged… An immense athlete, she must meet many obligations and expectations from her club, but not only that, since she is also a model for a whole generation of young players. Despite this, she refuses to see basketball as a simple job, since she does not have to live the office life of millions of people in France. A remarkable approach for a star who is just as remarkable.

If there is necessarily an important professional aspect in women’s basketball, Marine Johannès refuses to consider her daily life as a “job”. She remains passionate above all, and this is what motivates her to always do better.

2023-12-31 21:20:00
#Basketball #dont


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