Milan vs. Cagliari Match Analysis: Player Ratings and Performance Assessments

MILAN (4-2-3-1)

Antonio Lookout 7 – Ready to go, an immediate save that directs the game in the right direction. He always remains precise and attentive, except for one blunder at the end without consequences.

Davide Calabria 6 – He tries to put himself forward but sometimes he gets the easiest things wrong. Sufficient only because he still managed to hold up the defense.
From the 60th minute Alessandro Florenzi 6.5 – He always brings experience and solidity: the fact that Cagliari no longer had any makes their task easier but, still, a decent effort.

Jan-Carlo Simic 7 – Personality and courage, given his age, it’s difficult to ask more from a man born in 2005. Pioli asks him to limit his moves forward and he still does well.

Theo Hernandez 8 – It starts out rather slowly, then it’s like a diesel: when it’s launched it becomes unstoppable. At 2-0 it looks like Pelè in “Escape to Victory”: driving force.

Alex Jimenez 7,5 – It’s definitely not his position and, given his age, some mistakes are understandable. Better when he pushes forward, where the great potential can be sensed. Nice attitude and willingness to assert oneself. He deserves to compete against more challenging opponents.
From the 79th minute Davide Bartesaghi sv

Tijjani Reijnders 6,5 – It takes a long time to get going. Some filters are less illuminating than usual, however a solid proof that of theOrange.
Dall’80’ Kevin Zeroli s.v.

Yacine Judicial 7 – As soon as he has space he transforms, when Cagliari closes it’s a completely different story. You sacrifice more than in the past. Net growth.

Samuel Chukwueze 5,5 – The rush is there, the commitment too, but the impression is that something is still missing. In the end he improves like all of Milan but it is not the contribution that was expected from a talent like him.

Luka Romero 5,5 – He hasn’t played much and his match pace is very far away, he struggles a lot to get into the game. From someone with his technique it is reasonable to expect more.
Dal 69’ Christian Pulisic 6 – He shows a little bit but the impression is that he still has to work off some Christmas excess. Luckily Milan has already closed the match.

Chaka Traore 6 – He touches few balls and doesn’t do much with it. When Pioli gives him confidence, he seems to waste the opportunity badly and then pulls a falling shot out of nowhere that swells the net.
69′ Rafael Leo 6.5 – Lively even when Milan slows to a crawl. At the first right opportunity he manages to score a goal for himself.

Luka Jovic 7 – Bad on the first restart on Adli’s delightful assist, he wastes a lot, then proves that class is not water. Radunovic gives him a big hand but the move is nice at 2-0.

Stefano Pegs 7 – Courageous to put so many young people on the field; not everyone responds present but it is still a successful experiment.

CAGLIARI (4-3-1-2)

Boris Radunovic 4 – Nice reflection on Jovic’s restart, not very reactive at 1-0, terrible at 2-0, bad at 3-0. Evening to forget.

Alessandro Di Pardo 5,5 – He allows himself some good offensive projections even if the greatest dangers for the guests come from his flank.
From the 71st minute Gabriele Zappa 5 – Try to keep Cagliari afloat even when Milan risks spreading. It’s a shame that Leao was lost on the goal that made the final 1-4 for the Sardinians.

Pantelis Hatzidiakos 4 – Precise on Jovic’s counterattacks but then loses it in the small area. Mistakes like this are unforgivable.

Matthew Wietska 5 – No particular disaster but in the second half he was no longer able to contain Milan’s forwards. He definitely could have done better.

Adam open 5,5 – In a too timid department that risks taking a historic defeat, he tries to hold out as much as he can, and then concedes too much.

Alessandro Deiola 5 – Not very precise, a bit distracted, seems to get worse as the match progresses, when the athletic side suffers.

Antoine Makoumbou 4,5 – Anonymous in the setup phase, he allows himself a little too much affectation, especially in defense.

Jakub Jankto 5 – On that range he could definitely do more: given the talent he disappears for large stretches and gets almost elementary things wrong. Definitely a bad evening for him.
From the 63rd minute Paulo Azzi 6 – Lucky on the goal to make it 1-3, he doesn’t manage to do much else apart from getting a really avoidable yellow card.

Marco Mancosu 6,5 – Character and dedication, he often plays with his back to goal but when the rest of the department isn’t working, it’s difficult for him to work miracles.
Dal 71′ Ibrahim Sulemana 5 – It’s unlikely that with Cagliari in a dire crisis he could do who knows what. Definitely an underwhelming performance from him.

Andrea Petagna 6 – Very few good balls, he tries to make passes in the penalty area but the Rossoneri defense manages it without too many problems.
Dall 63’ Gaston Pereiro 5.5 – Anonymous, a few too many blunders, tries to recover at the end but still doesn’t do much.

Zito It’s a shape 6 – Well contained by the Rossoneri rearguard, he has the will and he doesn’t even lack the technique. The best contribution is the deviation which makes Azzi 1-3.

Claudio Ranieri 5 – The almost forced turnover is risky, especially against Milan’s terrible young players. In the case of the Sardinians, the experiment is decidedly less successful.

Referee – Alessandro Border 6,5 – It’s nice once in a while not to have to speak either positively or negatively about the refereeing direction. The Bolognese whistle doesn’t even seem to be there on the pitch, which is a big compliment. The fact that it is a match without thorny episodes helps him, but his performance is not bad.


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