Novak Djokovic’s Unconventional Secret to Success: The Tree in Melbourne’s Botanical Gardens

Djokovic is the record winner at the Australian Open. Image: keystone

At the Australian Open, Novak Djokovic successfully prevailed in the first games. Now the Serb has revealed where he draws his strength from.

19.01.2024, 11:5519.01.2024, 13:24

At the Australian Open, Novak Djokovic is not only relying on his talent, but also on the help of his “best friend”. This friend is not made of flesh and bones, but is deeply rooted in Melbourne’s botanical gardens.

“It is true. There is a particular tree that I have had a special relationship with over the last 15 years,” says the 10-time Australian Open winner.

The tree helps him to cope with the stress that comes with a Grand Slam tournament: “I like to ground myself and connect with this old friend,” says the Serb, explaining the special relationship he has with him tree cares. At the Australian Open 2017, Djokovic posted a picture of himself and his “best friend from Melbourne”.

In order to prevent a big rush, Djokovic does not want to reveal where exactly the tree is. He seems to be enjoying his time alone with his best friend. According to the Australian news platform “The Age”, the tennis champion was seen eating pumpkin soup and meditating under the tree in question.

Djokovic repeatedly relies on unconventional methods for his success. For example, he draws strength from the so-called “Bosnian Pyramids,” three hills near the town of Visoko. In certain esoteric circles it is believed that the hills are man-made and a source of energy.

Djokovic doesn’t think much of vaccinations either. He missed the Australian Open 2022 because he was refused entry due to the lack of a Covid-19 vaccination. (cat)

All of Novak Djokovic’s Grand Slam titles

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All of Novak Djokovic’s Grand Slam titles

US Open 2023: Djokovic – Medwedew 6:3, 7:6, 6:3.

quelle: keystone / justin lane

Djokovic is deported – the reaction from Federer and Nadal is wonderful

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2024-01-19 10:55:24
#Novak #Djokovic #presents #friend #hes #human


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