«Our little girl flew to heaven»- Corriere.it

by Salvatore Riggio

Arianna, the wife of the 34-year-old cyclist who won eight stages of the Giro d’Italia, said in an Instagram story that she had lost the little girl she was carrying in her womb

Diego Ulissi’s family is experiencing a drama at the beginning of 2024. Arianna, the wife of the 34-year-old cyclist who won eight stages of the Giro d’Italia, said in a story on Instagram that she had lost the little girl she was carrying in her womb. Only on Tuesday 2 January another story announced with a pink bow the arrival of the third daughter who would join little Lia and Anna. The wife’s message, retweeted by Diego, is very sad: «Unfortunately, after the great joy, this afternoon (yesterday, ed.) at a check-up, things didn’t go as they should. Our little girl flew to heaven. Tomorrow (today, ed.) I have a long day ahead of me, then everything will be over. With great sorrow we thank everyone for the numerous messages of affection”, he reads.

A painful message that clashes with what had appeared a few hours earlier on the Instagram account of the UAE Emirates cyclist, in which he showed himself happy and smiling together with his family in a Christmas video, in front of the tree with his wife and daughters. «And here we are!!! Another little Ulyssi is coming: three out of three!!! At this point let’s raise the white flag!”, he wrote complete with a joking emoticon. Adding: «Jokes aside, we are very happy. Now we just have to wait for July to hold her in her arms”, showing herself holding the youngest of the family, Anna, born in 2020. The couple had already had to face a miscarriage in September 2015.

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January 4, 2024 (modified January 4, 2024 | 10:26)

2024-01-04 09:07:53
#girl #flew #heaven #Corriere.it


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