Remembering Antonio Aita: A Loss for Italian Archery

Mourning for Italian archery: Antonio Aita, historic coach of the national team, has left us


Type: Fitarco Discipline: Various
Tags: mourning

The President Mario Scarzella, the General Secretary Ivan Braido, the Federal Council and the entire archery world extend their deepest condolences to the family.

Antonio Aita, a historic figure of Italian archery, passed away today at the age of 78. The President Mario Scarzella, the General Secretary Ivan Braido, the Federal Council and the entire archery world extend their deepest condolences to the family.

Born in Strambino (To) on 10 April 1945, he had been a member of the Federation since 1976 and in his archery career he held numerous roles as a technician, instructor and then teacher.

Antonio Aita, known as Tony, was National Coach and was appointed FITARCO Emeritus Technician in 2016. A man of great sympathy and acumen, in addition to being a capable trainer, he was appreciated for his human qualities, also obtaining excellent results in his roles of technician. He was in fact coach of the Nazionale Targa and Nazionale Tiro di Campagna, to subsequently also become technical director of the Ski Archery sector, leading the Azzurri to achieve great international successes from the end of the 90s until 2007, the year in which it was closed the international activity of this discipline by World Archery.

2023-10-07 07:00:00
#FITArco #News


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