Rising Star: The Journey of Indrí González Reyes in Youth Archery

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We continue with the youth category archery of Cienfuegos and its expectations for 2024 from the incorporation at this level of athletes with immediate perspective who in the school games stood out in the events they competed.

If in 2022 Indrí González Reyes in the school games was positioned in seventh place nationally with a gold medal and the same number of bronze and a national record, in 2023 González Reyes appeared in the out-of-series schoolboy event, to the extreme that he won nine gold medals with a national record, which shows his growth as an athlete and the certainty of those who will evaluate him among the athletes of the province in the immediate future.

The talented goalkeeper tells us about his time in the school category and his expectations for his debut in 2024 in the youth team.

Andry González Reyes confesses to having dedicated a lot of time to training and with great rigor in 2023, which was rewarded with these results and “my expectations for 2024 are to join a team again now in the youth category to obtain more medals and good results also that they place the province in first place nationally”

“It is true that all athletes prepare for it, but the amount of dedication and sacrifice that you put into each training session is what rewards you with good results.”

That after two years without national competitions due to the pandemic and even the limitations of resources for the practice of sport, that Cienfuegos presents itself in 2024 with a promising pool of youth archers demonstrates the strength of the work carried out by the human capital of sport in the Pearl of the South, and not by chance, despite the differences with other provinces in terms of the number of sports facilities, population density and even territorial extension, is among the territories that contributes the most athletes to national centers, in addition to positioning itself In the last edition of the school games in third place in the school category and in second place in the medal table, with six sports in first place.

Without chauvinism, I consider it worth recognizing all those who, in one way or another, with their effort and will, place this province at a high level of effectiveness.

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2024-01-10 07:17:58
#Archery #Cienfuegos #expectations


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