Rocha will not be disqualified: the TAD guarantees that he will not call elections after the resignation of Rubiales

Pedro Rocha will not be disqualified by the Sports Administrative Court. In fact, there will not even be a threat of sanction hanging over him. The TAD has dispatched the complaint of Miguel Galan against the president of the management of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF). The president of CENAFE denounced that Rocha had breached the statutes of the Federation by nor call elections imminently after the resignation of Luis Rubiales. But the TAD understands that this is not the case.

The Higher Sports Council (CSD), which was the body that submitted Galán’s complaint to the TAD, as it was entitled to, received a notification this Friday from the TAD in which it reported its decision to file the complaint “because it understands that the facts revealed in said request They do not present sufficient rational evidence to consider, even indirectly, the commission of a disciplinary infraction.“, according to government sources.

The judge reaffirms the jurisdiction of the National Court to investigate Rubiales

The decision, appealable before ordinary justice, dispels fear of a possible disqualification of Rocha and also to minor economic sanctions. The TAD, the body that disqualified Rubiales, has not even understood that there are reasons to open a file against him.

The Ministerial Order is “imminent”

Galan clung to an alleged obligation of Rocha to call elections just after the resignation of Rubiales, in the face of his decision, endorsed by the CSD and by two legal reports (one internal to the RFEF and another external) to extend his interim position until the first four months of this year, when early elections would be called.

It happens that the call for these elections is being delayed, against Rocha’s own wishes. The reason is the Government’s delay in approving the Ministerial Order that should regulate this process. Given this scenario, as this newspaper has reported, Rocha is considering the imminent call for ‘quick’ elections that would lead to a presidential term of just a few monthsbefore ordinary elections were called after the Paris Olympic Games.

The CSD, in this sense, takes up Rocha’s gauntlet and explains that The approval of the Ministerial Order “will occur imminently”which should lead in the coming days to a call for early elections, which will produce an assembly and, subsequently, a president of the RFEF who enjoys a full four-year mandate.

2024-01-19 12:00:42
#Rocha #disqualified #TAD #guarantees #call #elections #resignation #Rubiales


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