Success and Surprises at the Haut-Rhin Archery Championships in Volgelsheim

The Haut-Rhin championships took place this Sunday in Volgelsheim with, as is often the case, confirmations and young people starting to blossom. “A selection of archers even had to be made,” confides Fanny Gaschy, president of the Volgelsheim archers. “For the moment, the best are holding their ranks. »

Laurent and Anne Erhart in spirit

Reading the results proves him right. As the big favorite, Laurent Erhart (Mulhouse CAB), senior 2 in recurve arch, signed the best performance in shooting at 18 meters with 558 points during the qualifications. He then had to beat his club teammate Philippe Behra (6-0) before competing for the gold medal with Jean-François Kientzler (Ste Croix en Plaine). The Mulhouse native did not leave the slightest hope to his opponent (6-0).

Lucas Roth (Companion of…

2024-01-28 21:48:00
#favorites #rendezvous #Volgelsheim


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