Taking a Stand Against Violence: Self-Defense Courses Offered in Siena

Newspaper reports increasingly report episodes of violence against women, including in Siena.

We are worried about this type of violence that is also occurring in our city, violence that is even more numerous because it is not always reported. Regarding this sad phenomenon, CUS SIENA would like to point out that in the Palajudo structure in via A. Moro it has been holding female and male self-defense courses for some time with people interested in learning multidisciplinary self-defense techniques. Our teachers have collaborated over the years with the Municipality of Siena through the equal opportunities office, in the organization of these courses. Furthermore, the “National Judo Fight Karate Martial Arts Federation”, precisely to actively combat these deplorable behaviors, has spread a method of self-defense, taught by trained technicians who in our case come from judo and aimed at anyone who wishes to put themselves in a position to defend themselves , and therefore practicable by people of any age, sex or physical constitution.

Elements on the legislation that regulates legitimate defense in Italy and a basic knowledge of Psychology applied to risk situations are the topics for completing the training course offered, capable of guaranteeing reliable and professionally correct tools.

Given the success of these initiatives, and considering the warning bell constituted by the above problems, the Judo section of CUS Siena makes its instructors and its structure available to carry out self-defense courses on a weekly basis.

For further information, contact the Cus secretariat

CUS Siena Sez. JUDO

2024-01-23 08:45:06


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