Tecnocasa Talavera Kicks Off 2024 with Impressive Victory

There is no better way than to start 2024 with a victory and that is precisely what Tecnocasa Talavera achieved in the regional duel that they faced in the morning of this Sunday, January 7, against an Autocares Rodríguez Daimiel and that José Rey’s men were to be able to solve it by shooting ex officio for a 56-74 with which the end of regulation time was reached.

This was a match of rhythms, as the Talavera team’s coach foresaw in the previous one, and his pupils, although it was difficult for them, managed from the third of the periods to get that cushion of points necessary to reach the final minutes without excessive suffering, thus scoring the seventh victory of the season that allows them to close the first round in eighth place, with a balance of 7-6 and closing the gap to the noble positions.

The match began with an exchange of blows until the score was 14-13, with Talavera’s team in Wellingthon Díaz being their greatest stronghold with up to nine points scored. Precisely two free throws from this one and one of two in suspension after an assist from Sandro Gacic after stealing the ball from Ramat served for the Ceramics to take a lead that they were not going to relinquish.

In fact, the partial of the ceramics would be extended to 0-7 with which they reached the end of the first ten minutes thanks to three points that would come from Carlos Poyatos who with a dunk and a converted free throw left the score six up for those from the City of Ceramics at the end of the first act.

The second quarter was a little darker for Talavera who drastically lowered his shooting percentages and was also not at all good on the rebound. At least the ceramics were saved by the fact that his rival was also not successful in front of the rim and that they had also accumulated losses of three losses, exceeding ten. Thus we stood at half-time with a 10-9 partial that allowed the visitors to go five ahead (24-29) at half-time, without a doubt a lesser evil.

The third act began at the Municipal de Daimiel, compressing the match to 29-31 with a triple by Villarejo, the locals’ top offensive exponent with 15 points. Luckily the Talaverans reacted by stretching the gum to 29-39 with points from the paint and in the personnel line.

The local team had a glimpse of a reaction after a timeout requested by their coach José María Bachiller until 35-41, but two triples (one by Sandro Gacic and the other Toto Sandoval) together with the success of Lyvans Camara from the personal line raised the score again. The advantage to the ceramics reached double digits (35-49), managing to maintain the 14 points advantage in the final minutes until we went to the third of the stops with a 39-53 that left the match very well on track.

In the last period the ceramic team knew how to play with their advantage, never allowing the Daimieleños to drop below the ten point difference and both Wellingthon Díaz and Lyvans Camara increasing their points counter until a definitive 56-74 with which they came at the end of this event and a first round of competition in this Group ‘B’ of the EBA League.

The next appointment for Tecnocasa Talavera again, with which the second round of the competition will open, will again be home, in this case in Tenerife to face Ciudad de Tacoronte next Saturday, January 14 at 8:00 p.m. hours (peninsular time).


Autocares Rodríguez Daimiel: Lasunción (11), Kuhle (4), Martín (10), Elías (6) and Villarejo (15). Also playing: Cabrera (-), Garzón (6), Ramat (-) and Bermejo (4).

Tecnocasa Talavera: Fran Garrido (5), Wellingthon Díaz (17), Carlos Poyatos (17), Guillermo Rodríguez (8) and Pau Truñò (-). Also playing: Tobías Sandoval (6), Cabal (-), Sandro Gacic (9) and Lyvans Camara (12).

Referees: Guillermo Martín Rodríguez Malo (Castilla-La Mancha) and María Muñoz Herrera (Comunicad de Madrid).

Partials: 14-20, 10-9, 15-24 and 17-21.

2024-01-07 18:27:00
#Talavera #Basketball #begins #victory #Daimiel


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