The Battle for Lob City: The Clippers vs. The Supersonics

By Adiel Kalonji | NBA Editor

Nearly 10 years ago, the Clippers team was nicknamed “Lob City” because of the alley-oops that Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan threw at each other. However, a legend has claimed this title by ensuring that his franchise would have been the precursor of this practice which has become a classic of the orange ball.

Younger readers may not remember this era, but about a decade ago, the Clippers were surely the most spectacular team in the league. With Chris Paul at the helm on the floors, the magic happened in the air and alley-oops towards Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan among others were distributed in abundance. As a result, the franchise was renamed “Lob City”.

The Point God and his acolytes are not the creators of this practice, but are considered by many to be those who most democratized it in the modern era. However, Hall of Famer Gary Payton is far from sharing the same opinion, since he recently assured in an episode of The Starting Five that this nickname would belong to his former Supersonics franchise.

Seattle, “Lob City” before its time according to Gary Payton

We called our duo with Shawn Kemp the “Sonic Boom”. You know what, people are talking about this Clippers Lob City. Get the hell out of here. I was first… I was already throwing alley-oops and Shawn Kemp was catching them all. You see what I mean ? I mean, now you’re all talking about Griffin and Chris Paul, I was already doing that in the early 90s when the Clippers still wore diapers.

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Even if this Clippers squad of the 2010s never did better than the conference semi-finals, fans who experienced this period will surely boast of the show that CP3 and his team almost always guaranteed. On the other hand, were they really legitimate to be called Lob City? For Gary Payton, there is no doubt that this title rightfully belongs to his former franchise.

Along with Shawn Kemp, The Glove formed one of the most legendary duos in the NBA. In this Seattle team, spectators witnessed brilliant passes from the leader and devastating dunks from the former winger, he who was known for his extraordinary athletic qualities. They will surely be called old curmudgeons by some, but the fact remains that this duo revolutionized the sport with these crazy actions.

The Supersonics of the 90s or the Clippers of the 2010s? In this clash of generations, the question arises as to the legitimacy of each of the two teams with the nickname Lob City, even if Hall of Famer Gary Payton loudly proclaims that his former team should be the only holder of this name..

2024-01-03 20:10:00
#Lob #City #Clippers #wore #diapers


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