The Case of Wander Franco: Outrage and Legal Complications

The case of the baseball player Wander Franco, accused of sexually raping a minor, has caused outrage and distress in society, due to the aggression perpetrated against the minor, the complicity that the Public Ministry attributes to his mother and because the athlete would lose a contract. almost US$200 million.

In legal terms, Mr. Wander’s situation is very complicated for his defense team, because the Puerto Plata prosecutors presented before the Permanent Attention judge a bundle of charges that is difficult to dismantle in light of what the Protection Code stipulates. of Boys, Girls and Adolescents.

As far as Major League Baseball is concerned, the future of the Tampa Bay shortstop looks even more uncertain, because he has already been administratively suspended and because MLB is also investigating the case, which would have much more serious consequences, such as his final expulsion.

Without ignoring the forensic picture that qualifies this infraction, in criminal matters judges, prosecutors and the defense can invoke aggravating or mitigating situations against or in favor of the accused, such as complicity with the mother of the minor, or her status as a “young person”. immature”, only 22 years old.

You may be interested in reading: Legal paperwork prevents Franco from being released

Around this criminal file there is also an armchair of social cynicism and the bizarre behavior of the MP, which grants the media platforms the power to decide with their indexes up or down the fate of the defendant, replacing judges and courts.

Wander’s status as a millionaire cannot and should not be a mitigating reason for the accusation of the Office of the Prosecutor for Children and Adolescents, but it should not be an aggravating reason either, because the Code of Criminal Procedure and the one that protects the rights of minors guarantee fair trial.

The MP should act with the same procedural diligence in the 35,461 cases of pregnancies of girls and adolescents reported in 2023 by Public Health, given that these minors between 10 and 17 years old were technically sexually raped.

This number represents 25% of the total number of pregnant women in the country, a figure higher by more than seven thousand minors, than the 28,791 who became premature mothers in 2019, the majority away from schooling and turned into slaves to their rapists in the unhappy condition of concubines.

Social networks are entertained with a criminal file that becomes a novel due to the involvement in the case of the mother of the abused minor and because the baseball player’s mother was in charge of transferring money to the person accused of being a pimp.

Every day dozens or hundreds of girls and adolescents are subjected to sexual violation, pregnant without the Public Ministry deigning to intervene or Public Health to address this drama as a social disease.

2024-01-07 17:42:23
#greater #drama


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