The Former Referee Iturralde González Analyses VOR Room Audio Leak in ‘Carousel’ from SER Chain

The former referee Iturralde González analyzes in ‘Carousel’ from SER Chain room audio leak VOR between Hernández Maeso and Hernández Hernández.

“These audios are managed by a company from Barcelona, ​​called ERIC. The referees are given passwords that they then have to change. All the passwords are given to all the referees so that they can enter the platform and download the audios from their matches. That is, that password… if it has not been changed and some referees or former referees have those passwords, they have been able to listen to everything, both the audios that have appeared on television and those that have not. Another option is that they have left remembered on a device and that someone has accessed. And then, something else. You already know that there has been a movement in which the CTA referees followed the games by streaming. Well, for now, based on what has happened, they are no longer streaming. Now they will no longer be followed so that that signal cannot be ‘hacked’. They will follow them through Movistar or DAZN like everyone else,” he commented on the Cadena SER with Manu Carreño.

Iturralde gives his opinion in ‘Jijantes’ about Vinicius’ audio

And he added: “The referees have the keys to the ERIC platform, which is the one that manages the CTA audios. This is like when they send you a password from the bank and you don’t change it… I don’t know, many times you have confidence that They are not going to use it (…) It is true that it is sensitive material, but it depends on the confidence you have, on your reluctance… it depends on each person.. The problem is that now the committee, for example, also does the talks online, but now they are thinking that instead of telematics and everyone from home with this platform and access all the material, now they are going to be from home “.

Why did VAR audios end up in third-party accounts? YouTube, when you send a playlist, allows you to play it instantly. The Federation did not know this. He sent it to DAZN and Movistar before 11:00 p.m. and someone who knows these topics well knows that these lists do not wait until 11:45 p.m.

Iturralde in ‘Carousel’

Therefore, not changing the password could have been the key to the theft: “In the biggest part, which is leaks of the audios, I would not blame the Technical Committee of Referees, I would blame some individuals. “If you have the personality and the profile to be able to referee a First Division match with all the responsibility that entails, you are supposed to change a password that everyone gives the same.”

2024-01-24 09:04:18
#Iturralde #explains #controversial #audios #VOR #room #stolen


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