The Story of Ricard Gareca and the Chilean National Football Team

Ricardo Gareca and Néstor Pékerman were World Cup winners with the teams of Peru and Colombia, respectively. Photo: composition LR/EFE/Colprensa/ANFP

There is still no ‘white smoke’ regarding the election of the new coach for the Chilean team. Although the Chilean National Football Association (ANFP) held meetings with Ricardo Gareca and Nestor Pekerman ―main candidates―, the complications that arose in the negotiations with both would have caused the emergence of a third option in a coach who not long ago was in the orbit of the Peruvian team.

Will Ricardo Gareca be Chile’s coach?

According to TNT Sports, the main obstacle to completing the arrival of ‘Tigre’ to La Roja is the economic factor. “The former Peruvian coach met with the entity that governs national football, but the negotiations did not prosper due to his financial demands. In the case of Pékerman, something similar happened, since he has monetary aspirations quite similar to his compatriot and that would rule him out,” revealed.

TNT Sports on Gabriel Milito’s chances in Chile. Photo: TNT Sports.

Gabriel Milito is emerging as coach of Chile

Given what happened, the aforementioned media highlighted that Gabriel Milito emerged as an alternative. The 43-year-old strategist was one of the options in the FPF (Peruvian Football Federation) before confirming the hiring of Uruguayan Jorge Fossati.

“That is why in the ANFP they turn that page and set their course on another Argentine: Gabriel Milito. In Chile he had experience with O’Higgins and after passing through our country, he consolidated his experience in Estudiantes de La Plata and Argentinos Juniors”, they explained.

Gabriel Milito only has club experience. Photo: Argentinos Juniors.

Candidates to drive to Chile

Pablo Milad, president of the ANFP of Chile, revealed that they held meetings with Ricardo Gareca, Néstor Pékerman and the Uruguayan Diego Alonso.

“I spoke with Ricardo Gareca, a good coach, he had a good disposition. We have spoken with others as well. We also met with José Néstor Pékerman and Diego Alonso is on the list,” said the manager upon his arrival in Buenos Aires.

Which team does Ricardo Gareca lead?

After spending 7 years in the Peruvian team and achieving a historic qualification for the 2028 World Cup in Russia, Ricardo Gareca did not renew with the Peruvian team and, months later, took over the reins of Vélez Sarsfield; However, things did not go well with the Argentine cast and he left office due to poor results. Currently, the ‘Tigre’ is without a team.

Ricardo Gareca was runner-up in America with the Peruvian team. Photo: EFE.

How much would Ricardo Gareca earn in the Chilean team?

According to the Chilean media ADN Radio, Ricardo Gareca and his technical team would earn 2.8 million dollars annually in the Chilean team. This figure is higher than what Eduardo Berizzo received (1.5 million dollars), who left office after the poor results in the 2026 Qualifiers.

Ricardo Gareca only led Peru at the national team level. Photo: LR composition.

2024-01-02 02:33:58
#Ricardo #Gareca #surprising #coach #Perus #orbit #overtake #Gareca #Nestor #Pekerman #Chilean #team #Gabriel #Milito #Sports


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