Udine, Palermo, Riyadh: the state of the art of the media/ultra relationship

The state of the art of the relationship between the media and Italian curves evidently sees a prevalence of rather questionable narratives. The major national news programs have dedicated extensive reports and insights to the isolated gesture of two or three individuals who insulted Maignan in Udine, from which the North Curve he immediately wanted to distance himself, specifying that it was absolutely not about chants or anything attributable to organized support.

In this not temporary but deep-rooted and often suffocating climate of search for the guilty, a Modena fan spent two nights in prison accused of having thrown a tap on some Palermo supporters, while it later turned out that it was a container of Coffee Borghetti.

Both episodes in stadiums made up of cameras and in a world in which doing too many investigations into the ultras seems useless, as police commissioners and company have fully in their hands legislative instruments that are far too “pervasive” to the point of evoking and making current the concept of pre -crime that belonged to K. Dick or to replace the re-educational purpose of the punishment with its ruthlessly blunt use. Just think of the numerous away games prohibited without any risk, even between twinned fans, of the collective daspo with all due respect to individual responsibility and the exhumation of archaic concepts according to which being part of a specific social group is an a priori fault.

Instead, we notice a total absence of disdain and a sudden search for distinction in front of the boos in the minute of silence for Gigi Riva in the Super Cup final. The situation here is clearly broader: the person blowing the whistle is the person who has “bought” the chance to play the final of a historic trophy at his home. And in their hands were placed scarves and flags of teams with a hundred-year history of Italian football. So symbols: selling a symbol is almost impossible but it seems that they have succeeded.

And this is what you see: what you hear is perhaps worse: whistles and howls. But one thing stuck in my mind about the matches European Championships 2020 onwards in the stadiums with limited capacity and often without ultras of the post-Covid period, that is, that tendency towards hysterical, vulgar and inhuman insults which were clearly carried out without organized support, without any obscure direction as some like to believe, as indeed happened before the advent of the ultras when violence occurred in the same way and championships were decided with gunshots. We could make the exact same argument about mafia infiltration which worries our brave observers who however shrug while contracts, various entertainment factories, construction, even the flower kiosks in front of the cemetery are in the greasy hands of crime. In the end, the thing that scares us the most is that they represent the mirror in which society does not want to see itself reflected.

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2024-01-25 17:55:32
#Udine #Palermo #Riyadh #state #art #mediaultra #relationship


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