Vincent Houdart: Rising Star in Archery at Flèches Saint-Affricaines Club

Vincent Houdart took up archery in Saint-Affrique 2 years ago. – © Le Progrès Saint-Affricain

About Erwan Robert

January 24, 2024

Archery. The Flèches Saint-Affricaines club has among its squad a licensee selected for the French championships.

552 and 550 points out of 600. Scores that make you dizzy. The two best French performances of the season, in barebow, over a distance of 18 meters. Behind the rope is the eye of Vincent Houdart. An accomplished archer, who followed his trajectory to soar. Performances carried out on the weekend of January 13 and 14 in Narbonne, in the Barebow category, over a distance of 18 meters. Arriving on tiptoe at the Flèches Saint-Affricaines club in February 2022, Vincent Houdard took over…

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2024-01-24 11:00:23
#archery #fun


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