Wander Franco, Former Tampa Bay Rays Star, Arrested for Alleged Sexual Relationship with Minor

The 22-year-old was questioned for more than three hours by the prosecutor

January 2, 2024

Il baseball player Dominican Wander Francoformer star of Tampa Bay Rays of the American Major League, it was arrested on January 1st in the province of Puerto Plata as part of an investigation that sees him accused of having had a alleged sexual relationship with a minor. The 22-year-old, who until the investigation began was considered among the most promising young players in the league, was interrogated for more than three hours by the public prosecutor local before arrest. The authorities had already tried to reach him at his home in his hometown of Banì on December 26 but had not found him, starting a search that lasted a few days. Last August, Franco was suspended without pay by his team and Major League Baseball pending the results of the investigation.

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