Asked about Jonathan Clauss, Pablo Longoria recalls that no one is above the “institution” at OM

He was expected on the subject but Pablo Longoria did not really justify the criticisms leveled at Jonathan Clauss. After the two interviews given on Sunday by Mehdi Benatia, his sports advisor, to Canal + then Prime Video, the Olympian president did not appreciate the UNFP press release.

The players’ union had castigated the “relentlessness” against the French international and accused Benatia of “harassment, which consists of delivering a footballer to popular vindictiveness via the press, to deflect all evil onto him”.

He tried to contact the UNFP, in vain

A message not at all appreciated by Longoria, who criticizes the body for its “lack of seriousness”. “A press release is not written like that,” the president said annoyedly. The serious thing is to answer the phone. I called them three times, no answer. Seriousness means listening to all parties to get an idea. »

He concluded his indictment with a brief aside on Clauss, arguing that “in Marseille, there is one thing on which we spent a lot of energy, and that is creating the message of the institution. Above the coach, above the players. This is not negotiable. » Without mentioning problematic behavior from the right side.


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