Biella Archers Company Hosts Successful Indoor Archery Competition

On Sunday 4 February the Biella Archers Company organized the indoor archery competition in the gym in Verrone.

In addition to the historic and beloved shooting director, Pierluigi Arsalice, fresh from the course and certificate, the baptism of the new shooting director, Davide Padovan, who led the morning shift.

Instead, Lanza Melissa took to the field, gold in the women’s senior Olympic arch specialty, Sara Pivaro, silver in the women’s master Olympic arch specialty and Eva Revera, bronze in the women’s master Olympic arch specialty.

Also present were Manuela Accotto, who together with Pivaro and Revera earned Olympic team gold.

After a period of fasting from competitions, the gym field saw the long-awaited return of Carlo Clerico Badino in the men’s master Olympic arch category.

2024-02-05 08:34:00
#Archery #competition #Verrone #gym #PHOTO


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