Cuban Triple Jumpers Express Discontent Over Exclusion from Car Recognition Event

(2023 Getty Images)

The world medalists and main figures of the Cuban men’s triple jump, Lázaro Martínez and Cristian Nápoles, have expressed their discontent on social networks after being left out of the group of athletes and Cuban sports personalities who were recognized with the delivery of cars recently.

Martínez, world indoor champion, outdoor runner-up and Pan American gold, and Nápoles, world bronze and Pan American bronze, were not among those selected.

“Disappointments and disappointments. Many achievements and triumphs for your country and when it comes to encouragement, don’t let it be taken into account. Check yourselves,” Martínez wrote in his personal account.

Napoles, for its part, declared exclusively to Play-Off Magazine:

“I support Lázaro and for me too, because they did not take us into account even though last year we had relevant results. We give everything in exchange for nothing. It is not possible, being a top-level athlete, to have to catch a bus. I’m wasting my money on cars. When I ride the bus, people are amazed and look at me, as if thinking, it’s not possible. It’s not fair”.

They deliver cars to Cuban athletes

This Monday, at an event held in Havana, the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER) presented cars to a group of Cuban sports glories, both active and retired. Among those recognized are:

Mercedes Calderon (volleyball), Luis Giraldo Casanova and Pedro Medina (baseball), Sibelis Veranes (judo), Gabriel Rosillo and Oscar Pino (wrestling), Yarisleidys Cirilo (canoe), Rafael Guerra (sport shooting), Luis Esteban Fuentes (paralytics). , Juan Caballero (wrestling), Gisell Gonzalez (fencing), Eusebio Lopez (Basque ball), Guillermo Perez (paralymping), Andy Granda (judo) and Alain Roman (softball).

The handover of cars has generated controversy, with some questioning whether it is a true gesture of recognition or an attempt to keep the athletes on the island.

Regardless of the motivations, the exclusion of Martínez and Nápoles has sparked controversy and has highlighted the difficulties faced by high-performance Cuban athletes.


2024-02-29 02:15:16
#Cuban #triple #jump #stars #ran #cars #Lázaro #Martínez #Cristian #Nápoles #explode


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