Davis Cup Qualifiers 2024 Find New Home in Rosario Argentina

When the draw that was held in December in Malaga, within the framework of the Finals of the last edition of the Davis cupdetermined that Argentina would receive the first weekend of February at Kazakhstan for the Qualifiers 2024to the Argentine Tennis Association a problem arose. He Buenos Aires Lawn Tennis, the venue where the Albiceleste national team usually plays at home, was not going to be available on that date, because it would be in full preparation for the Argentina Open. Nor could Córdoba host the duel, also busy for an ATP event.

It was then necessary to find a new home for the team led by Guillermo Coria. And the search was very short: Rosario It quickly emerged as everyone’s favorite and, after quick management, this Saturday it will become the fifth city in the interior of the country to host the oldest and most important team competition in tennis.

“We never really considered an alternative. We thought Rosario and told Guille ‘Start convincing them because it has to be there’. It is a city that has enormous potential and where a lot of tennis is played. And with the history of Rosario tennis, Davis had never come here. “We thought it was a good time,” she told Clarín Agustin Calleripresident of the AAT.

“In the interior of the country, events like Davis are highly valued. And Jockey was the ideal club to bring her, because of everything it means for national tennis. Luckily, the government of Santa Fe, the city, and the club saw the potential of having this event, which to put it in context, is a qualifying phase to play in a World Cup. It’s really important. They accepted quickly and thank goodness, because we didn’t have much time either. If not, I don’t know what we were going to dress up as,” he added.

This will be only the ninth series that will be played outside the city of Buenos Aires in the more than one hundred years of Argentine history in Davis. The first was played in Mar del Plata in April 1996, with a local victory against Bahamas in the semifinals of Group I of the Americas. “La Feliz” was the venue after that painful 2008 final, lost to a Spain without Nadal. And also the clash with defeat against Italy in the first round of the 2002 World Group.

The other interior headquarters were Mendoza (a victory over Mexico for the quarterfinals of the American zone in 2001); Córdoba (two that same year, the semis of that same area with a celebration against Canada and shortly after the victory against Belarus with qualification to the World Group); and San Juan (two duels in 2018, victory against Chile for the second round of the Americas and against Colombia for the playoffs to the highest category).

“Bringing Davis inside is very important. We know the effort that children and their families make in the provinces to play. This is a very strong tennis area. We are one of the federations that takes the most kids to the Nationals, that has the most players competing in internal tournaments. That is why the expectations that exist are wonderful,” analyzed Coria.

“Each Davis has something special, it is even more so because it is in the garden of my house. Although I don’t want to take full responsibility for this. I united the parts, I created that force and then each one did their part, a tremendous job, so that this could be organized in a short time,” he said. Drywho although he was born in Rufino, adopted this city – where his wife and, later, his children were born – as his own.

Coria spoke rightly: the 3,500 tickets that were put on sale, at prices starting at 25 thousand pesos, were sold out in just two days. “We knew that people were going to come along and now we are going to experience a very good weekend for tennis, I hope the boys can win,” said Calleri.

The organization made an investment to condition the Jockey Club facilities. AAT Press Photo

The man from Córdoba explained that an investment had to be made to build stands, build the commercial area and the VIP sector and prepare the Jockey facilities for the matches. It was a joint effort between the AAT, the provincial and municipal governments and the club, with the support of the sponsors (those who always accompany the team and some new ones from Rosario companies that joined). Once the competition is over, the economic impact of the crash will be known.

Calleri also assured that insecurity, a hot topic in the daily life of Rosario society, was not presented as a special concern for the series.

What did start to worry in recent days was the heat. For this Saturday, the thermal sensation could exceed 38 degrees, with humidity that will not drop below 50 percent. Very tough combination to play tennis at noon or early in the afternoon. The forecast is similar for Sunday, with an even higher humidity rate.

During the previous days, also suffocating, the players and the captain acknowledged that they did not have a good time training under the sun and with such high temperatures; and that these conditions could make the games even tougher. But they also stated that they are prepared for the challenge and that, perhaps, this factor will end up working in their favor against rivals more accustomed to the cold at this time of year.

Etcheverry sweated out his shirt during training on a sweltering afternoon. AAT Press Photo

“The good thing is that it catches us at a time when the boys are coming back from the preseason and are in good shape. I was careful to make sure they didn’t overdo it in training. You have to see how the body reacts in a game, but I think they adapted very well to the conditions. They come from the heat of Australia, but here it is worse because of the humidity, although they are used to playing in these conditions, but you have to manage the anxiety. We will have to try not to put that issue in our heads too much,” Coria commented.

“There is a heat wave throughout the country, what can we do against it?” Calleri lamented. And he clarified: “The schedule could not have been changed. By a rule of ITF, the matches always start at that time, because there is also the issue of television for Kazakhstan with the time difference. And it is also a precaution in case it rains, so you have a margin to complete the day. Luckily, the boys are fine. They were training well in these conditions and everyone already knows what it is like to play Davis Cup. “We have enormous confidence in them.”

2024-02-03 08:01:34
#headquarters #created #schedules #changed #due #heat


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