Emirates Airline and NBA Announce Global Partnership

Partnership between Emirates and the US basketball league NBA. © Emirates { “@context”: ” “@type”: “ImageObject”, “url”: ” “copyrightHolder”: {“@type”: “Person”, “name”: “© Emirates”} } Share articleShare article as PDF af, Reuters February 8, 2024, 10:17 a.m

Emirates Airline is entering into a global partnership with the American basketball league NBA, an airline executive has announced. The airline, which says it has been sponsoring sports teams and events since 1987, wants to expand its presence in the United States.

“We have always had our eye on the NBA,” said Emirates chief marketing officer Boutros Boutros.

NBA Deputy Commissioner and COO Mark Tatum said the new NBA tournament would be renamed the Emirates NBA Cup during the season and referees’ jerseys would feature the airline’s logo.

Neither manager provided details about the value of the deal.

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2024-02-08 09:28:03
#Emirates #enters #partnership #basketball #league #NBA


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