FC Girona loses connection to Real Madrid

Spain’s surprise team FC Girona is running out of steam in the Primera Division. The Catalans lost 2:3 (0:1) at Athletic Bilbao on Monday evening and suffered their second defeat in a row after losing 4:0 at leaders Real Madrid. Girona had only lost one of the first 23 games of the season.

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After just one point from the last three games, Girona remains in second place, but is already six points behind Real with 56 points. Bilbao (49) consolidated fifth place.

Alex Berenguer (2nd/56th) and Inaki Williams (60th) scored for Bilbao, Wiktor Zygankow (49th) and Eric Garcia (75th) were successful for Girona.

2024-02-19 23:18:46
#Girona #loses #connection #Real #Madrid


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