From Near Tragedy to Triumph: The Incredible Journey of Olympic Flame Bearer Gilles Le Mouel

Par Aurélien Burban
Published on 1 Feb 24 at 5:30 p.m. See my news Follow Pontivy Journal

If Pontivy Journal wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have heard the news! On June 6, Gilles Le Mouel, resident of Noyal-Pontivy (Morbihan), will carry the Olympic flame for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. “After you gave me the information, I had confirmation from a representative of the Olympic committee. However, I have not yet received the details of my participation in this day,” indicates the Noyalais, who remains in the unknown.

Proud of her father, seeing him as an ideal, it was his daughter Chloé who requested that he become an Olympic flame bearer. “It’s not trivial! However, I am a sportsman like everyone else,” he says, in all humility.

Nevertheless, his credo “don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits” allowed him to get to where he is today. “This is what I try to pass on to my children, the values ​​of sport and work. »

Gilles the miraculous

Today an ultra-trailer, Gilles is a former footballer. Ancient White Sheep of Noyal-Pontivy, it was a friend of DNA who motivated him to run a few years ago. So much so that he took part in the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc in 2018, completed 120 hours of running at Swiss Peak in the Swiss Alps, or even participated in the famous Diagonale des fous in 2019.

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But on Friday February 11, 2022, his sporting future was compromised. That morning, Gilles went to work by bike. When he arrived at the roundabout on Avenue des Cités-unies in Pontivy, he was hit by a van which “did not respect the priority”. The accused flees, leaving him almost for dead. Ultimately, the Noyalais was a miracle and escaped with two fractures and multiple hematomas.

This twist of fate slows down his 2022 sporting year. “I had to cancel my participation in several races,” says the ultra-trailer. “In the moment, you are defeated! Then you bounce back! »

Gilles follows his credo, doing a lot of muscle strengthening through cycling and walking. “But as soon as I ran, I was in pain! » During this period, he consulted a physiotherapist who also took care of RC Vannes rugby players. The specialist tells him: “You won’t be able to do the Diagonal of Fools. »

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Obstinate Gilles

But Gilles, obstinate, stubborn as a Breton, takes his courage in both hands and leaves for Reunion, supported by his wife and two children. It is therefore without any particular training, but above all without pressure, that the Noyalais athlete is taking part in the 2022 edition of the Diagonale des fous. “In my head, I told myself that I would cover the first kilometers, that I would enjoy the show, the public, the atmosphere,” explains the Noyalais.

I started jogging, without having any pain. In my mind, a little angel suggested I stop, a little demon encouraged me to continue. This second one won!

Gilles Le Mouel, future bearer of the Olympic flame

As the kilometers pass, Gilles surprises himself: “I finally managed to do my race more easily than in 2019, even though I did not run during my preparation. Muscularly, I was stronger. At the fiftieth kilometer, at the Mud Pond refreshment point, it was night, whereas three years previously, I arrived there when it was daytime. I understood that I was ahead. »

It is therefore without abnormal pain that Gilles covers the 170 km, with 10,000 meters of positive altitude difference. Three kilometers from the finish, he is yet on the verge of giving up. “I was focused on my time. The heat, with increased sensation due to the volcanic rocks, made me stop for 30 minutes. I thought I was going to lose my mind. A friend gave me some gel to regain some strength. »

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It is therefore in a daze that the trail runner crosses the finish line. “I was physically drained. I didn’t take advantage of the euphoria of the moment. The speaker found me quite calm for a Breton. »

Gilles sees it as a regret. “I can’t stay on this!” I would go back,” announces the Noyalais.

In the meantime, Center-Breton will play with fire differently, by running in front of its loved ones with the Olympic flame.

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2024-02-01 16:35:35
#Paris #Olympic #Games #Gilles #carry #Olympic #flame #Pontivy


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