Girondins de Bordeaux Striker Alberth Elis Emerges from Coma: Encouraging Signs of Recovery

Reassuring news for Girondins de Bordeaux striker Alberth Elis, who emerged on Wednesday from the artificial coma into which he was plunged on Saturday evening following his head shock against Guingamp. “We are happy to share with you the first encouraging signs: Alberth is waking up and seems to be gradually recovering,” said those close to him in a press release published Wednesday evening by the Girondins on the X platform (formerly Twitter). “However, we wish to remain cautious about the evolution of his condition, the next few days will be crucial”, they continued, recalling that “Alberth is a fighter”.

On Saturday, Elis, 28, was the victim of a head collision with Guingamp defender Donatien Gomis after 34 seconds of play. Treated for long minutes on the pitch, he came out on a stretcher with an oxygen mask . Transferred to the city’s Pellegrin hospital center, he was placed in “a protective artificial coma” before undergoing surgery during the night from Saturday to Sunday. On Sunday, the Girondins communicated with the approval of his family, indicating that “at this moment, it is still impossible to comment on Alberth’s vital and functional prognosis”.

Since then, Elis had received many messages from the world of football. “We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, your words of encouragement and your prayers and we particularly thank the medical teams for their care,” his family said Wednesday. The announced awakening of Elis was greeted with great relief but also caution among those around the Girondins. “We have no idea of ​​the possible consequences at this stage,” reacted a source close to the club.

2024-02-28 19:15:00
#Ligue #Alberth #Elis #Bordeaux #artificial #coma #family #announces


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