Indurain, Luis León and Pereiro, team for the Titan Desert

The team Kosner-Saltoki Home faces a new edition of the Skoda Titan Desert Morocco 2024, this time together with OD Hotels and Nexum, and to this end it has officially presented this Tuesday in Madrid the composition of the block that will participate in the legendary test in the desert, which will be held on April 28 to May 3. The event included some of the members of the team that will start in Morocco, such as Miguel Induráin, Óscar Pereiro, Luis León Sánchez, Sylvain Chavanel o Pruden Induráin.

One of the great stars of the race will be Miguel Indurain, winner of five Tour de France and 2 Giro d’Italia. The former Navarrese cyclist, who is repeating after his presence in last year’s edition, has stated that it is a great experience, despite the hardness of the race: “The landscapes that you pass through Morocco, both in the Atlas and then in the desert, they are spectacular, in addition to the coexistence of trying to get everyone to finish the test. You have a hard time, but you also want to come back. I am going to try to finish and enjoy the team we have.”

Oscar Pereiro, who also knows what it is to conquer the Tour de France, will compete in this test for the third time in the dunes of Morocco. The Galician has pointed out the most complicated thing when competing in a test like the Titan Desert: “The difficult thing is to spend so many hours without resting your legs. You stand up out of necessity rather than obligation. The psychological suffering is not seeing absolutely anything on the horizon and not knowing where it ends.

Another member of the Kosner-Saltoki Home team will be Luis Leon Sanchez, winner of 4 stages of the Tour de France and a Paris-Nice, who last year already participated in the Škoda Titan Desert Almería and in the NEOM Titan Desert Saudi Arabia. The Murcian has assured that he faces the challenge with great enthusiasm, despite it being the first time he has competed in the Moroccan event: “We know what we are going to in Morocco. The best thing is to share a team with these stars: with Pereiro I was lucky to do it in professionals and Miguel has been my idol since I was a child. We are going to try to learn as much as possible. The best thing is day to day. I am the rookie of the team in Morocco and for me everything is going to be new. In Saudi Arabia I already had to learn the navigation, in Almería to go down as quickly as possible, and now we will try to be close to the competitors.

Together with the entire team and, of course, with Miguel Induráin, he will share the jersey, as they did in Banesto, his brother Pruden Induráinwho highlighted how he prepares before running the race and his objectives for the race: “We learn quickly. We have physical trainers at our disposal and they send us some guidelines. We are trying to follow them. I am going to try not to suffer too much and arrive with joy to enjoy the camp. I want to have the hope, which I had lost, to compete.”

He will also participate in the adventure through the Moroccan desert Sylvain ChavanelFrench time trial specialist and who this year can become a Titan Legend by accumulating more than 3,500 km in this test over several editions.

To repeat the great performance

He Kosner-Saltoki Home It was one of the surprises of the last edition of the Titan Desert. Last year she achieved a historic double by achieving victory in the women’s general with Tessa Kortekaas and in the mixed duo, formed by Iosu Torres and Ainara Elbusto, in addition to fighting for victory in the men’s general until the last day.

This year the team has two new collaborators, OD Hotels, a hotel group that began in the Balearic Islands but has now made the leap to the peninsula, opening hotels in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and Nexum, an investment group that combines talent and effort. to find the best opportunities for your clients and investors within Real Estate.

Very demanding route

The Skoda Titan Desert Morocco 2024 It stands out for the hardness of its route. Participants will have to travel more than 600 kilometers and 7,000 meters of accumulated unevenness over six stages.

The test will start in Boumalne Dades on 28th of April and will put its end at the traditional goal of Maadid, the May 3. Mountains, desert, fast tracks and navigation sections come together in an edition that will be full of contrasts, surprises and challenges for the Kosner – Saltoki Home team expedition.

2024-02-03 09:58:08
#Indurain #Luis #León #Pereiro #team #Titan #Desert


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