Inzaghi knows how to manage us. Thuram? It amazed me. And the energy of S. Siro…”

Slowly, with confidence, Davide Frattesi is also emerging in this Inter full of people who you struggle to remove, especially in midfield. But the former Sassuolo player always responds, like in Lecce: goals and assists. His words to the Gazzetta dello Sport.

Frattesi, a goal every 224′ in all competitions: do you know that, even if he plays little, he averages a striker?
“I always believe in it, I throw myself: it excites me more to steal a ball with strength than to score, but it’s always nice to score a goal. Even nicer to see a team in which everyone is involved. Inzaghi was good at not “losing” anyone: even when they always played the same ones, he came to talk to us, to motivate us. He makes you feel important, that’s what counts.”

You are a unique case of a starter in the national team who becomes a reserve at the club: how do you live?
“I didn’t think I’d be a starter straight away. It would have been stupid to even think about it and then 100% of the Serie A midfielders here would never start. I see the bench as a normal thing, an opportunity for growth, also because doing it in a way different would be counterproductive. I have never regretted choosing Inter.”

But isn’t it frustrating to find Micki-Calha-Barella in front?
“No, it’s a stimulus. I feel like a modern, intense midfielder, but I have to make my own path: if I want to aim to be a starter in the future, we need to improve in construction. The model is Barella: he was a raider, an attacking midfielder , but with work he has improved a lot in managing the ball. Here, I have to do the same.”

What is the secret of the Heart Book atmosphere?
“The level is very high, yet no one is a phenomenon. Then Inzaghi knows how to manage us.”

Which partner has surprised you the most so far?
“In training camp Thuram didn’t seem so strong technically, but then the championship started and he transformed.”

What does it feel like to have “changed” an eighth of the Champions League from the bench?
“You can’t help but enter San Siro with blood in your eyes. With the energy that the stadium gives you, I could break the walls with my head.”

2024-02-27 07:00:20
#Inzaghi #manage #Thuram #amazed #energy #Siro..


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