Les P’tites Germaines: Unveiling Taboos and Promoting Egalitarian Sexuality Through Folk Music

The folk music group Les P’tites Germaines, which relies on the taboos linked to female pleasure to knit its songs, will vibrate the walls of the Maison de la culture Francis-Brisson in Grand-Mère on February 14.

The duo formed by Julie Cossette, sexuality education teacher (among others) and Caroline Clément, mayor of Grandes-Piles, has the mission of promoting a more egalitarian sexuality through its playful songs openly addressing crude themes.

The Cultural Factory met them at the Pompon Laine Café in Trois-Rivières where they took the stage to perform their piece Oh, Maman!.

2024-02-07 18:24:04
#Les #Ptites #Germaines #performing #Valentines #Day


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