Listening to Children: A Look at Dreams and Reality Through Judo

Children have things to tell us. Let’s listen to them! The À Hauteur d’enfant column is every day at 7:36 a.m. on France Bleu Hérault and at any time on the app HERE.

French judokas shone this weekend at the Paris Grand Slam 2024, the last major competition in France before the Olympics this summer.
Teddy Riner, Audrey Tcheuméo and Clarisse Agbégnénou. names that make children dream.
But there is the dream and the reality that the CP/CE1 students from the Louisville school in Montpellier, in the Mosson district, discovered during a judo class.

2024-02-05 08:12:45
#love #judo #France #Blue


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