Remembering the 80th Anniversary of the Marino Bombing: A Tribute to the Victims and Reflection on War

Published: Friday, 02 February 2024 – Political editorial team

MARINO (politics) – The Italian councilor participated in the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the bombing – ​​press note

“Today is Remembrance Day for us Marines. Eighty years after that tragic February 2, 1944, the memory of the terror sown by a war that entered our homes with the greatest violence and destruction possible is still alive. An entire city affected, just before lunchtime on Candlemas Day. A daily warning that we keep intact thanks to the words of Zaccaria Negroni and his book Marino sotto le bombe, a perennial tribute to the 352 victims who lost their lives that day” so in a note Roberto Raparelli, Forza Italia city councilor on the sidelines of the celebrations municipal celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the bombing of Marino, which occurred at 12.30 on Wednesday 2 February 1944.
“At the same time on this day of mourning and reflection on a topic like war, unfortunately still dramatically current just three hours by plane and less than three thousand kilometers away from us – he continues Raparelli – thinking of our victims, of our fellow citizens and family members of the time, killed by the barbarity of the bombs, we address a prayer and a thought of peace to the dead who continue to be counted in Ukraine as in the Holy Land and to those who are resisting in defense of the values ​​of freedom and democracy emerged precisely from the defeat of the Nazi-fascists in Europe 80 years ago. “For this reason, with a heart refreshed and stronger than the pain, today like eighty years ago, we are preparing to celebrate another anniversary” continues the note from the Italian councilor. “In a few months, in fact, on 4 June, exactly 80 years will have passed since the liberation of Rome and the Castelli Romani. The consequence that has made at least not in vain the sacrifice of all the human lives of our ancestors, whose memory and tragedy we celebrate today, reserving for them the honor due to war heroes. Civil martyrs in a conflict not wanted by Italian citizens but only by an oppressive and criminal regime. War which, since 1948, Italy has constitutionally repudiated, thanks to the Charter which continues to represent for us Italians the most current reference, warning and message of freedom, peace, democracy and civilization and to which all our actions as free citizens continue to refer as a sailor refers to the lighthouse” he concludes Raparelli.

2024-02-02 20:39:49
#Raparelli #Forza #Italia #victims #February #civil #martyrs #regained #freedom #country


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