Rising Homophobic Intimidation: Attacks on Gay Center in Testaccio, Rome

A group of children, filmed by a surveillance camera, would have shouted and written sentences homophobic at the entrance to the Gay Center in via Zabaglia, in the district of Testaccio Of Roma. The young people beat up the entrance. “Baseball bat against the wall Rainbow symbol of the LGBT+ community, shouting phrases like “Frcio di meda” and smearing the asphalt with homolesbobitransphobic slogans against LGBT+ people in front of the Gay Center headquarters is not something new for us”, we read on the official page of the association. (Rome Republic)

Other newspapers also talk about it

Link Embed Sudden raids on the association’s headquarters, offensive writings, threats to volunteers and users. The Association Gay Center a Roma reported an increase in acts of intimidation at its headquarters in via Galvani 51F. (Repubblica TV)

Sudden raids on the association’s headquarters, offensive writings, threats to volunteers and users. The Association Gay Center a Roma reported an increase in acts of intimidation at its premises. (The print)

Min. reading (Gay.it)

Repeated attacks at the Gay Center in Testaccio with clubs and sprays: “They are kids from the neighborhood”

Up to 14-15, all together. Dressed in black, hooded. (Corriere Rome)

Homophobic raid caught on security cameras. These are mainly two episodes, one on January 19th and the other on the 28th. (Corriere Roma)

“These are kids who still go to school: they may be 13 years old, but they move in groups of 15 and armed with clubs – they explain to Fanpage.it – This is why we need affective education courses in the classroom”. (Fanpage.it)

2024-02-01 23:43:13
#Phrases #homophobic #writings #beatings #Gay #Center #Rome #cameras #film #act #group #boys #identified #ekth


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