Successful Weekend for Judo Clubs in Huesca: Results from the School Games Phase 1


This weekend the 1st Phase of the School Games took place in Monzalbarba in which the competitors have begun to position themselves for the qualification for the Spanish Championship that this year will take place in Pamplona on April 27 and the results For the CJB they couldn’t be better.

Binefar Judo Club

On Saturday it was the turn of the cadets and the 13 young judokas who competed under the technical direction of Antonio Clager and Raúl Clemente. Representing the Literan team, half of them managed to climb to the top of the podium as Madalin Fluerica in the -55 kg category, Alejandro Obensa in -81kg, Paula Zurita in -44kg, Daniela Teres in -48kg, Sandra Naval in -70kg and Ballalo Coulibaly in +70kg managed to win Gold in their categories by beating all their rivals.

Binéfar Judo Club cadets


Meanwhile, her teammates Martina Aurín in -57kg, Sira Diallo in -63kg and Sogona Magassa in +70kg took the silver and Emanuel Fluerica-in 60kg, Sofia Cafferata in -52kg and Sara Rico in -63 took the bronze and Héctor Cardil in -60kg managed to take 5th place. We must remember that on this occasion Sandro Plà did not participate as he qualified directly due to occupying 2nd place in the national ranking of the Spanish Cups.

Children’s Judo Club Binéfar


And on Sunday it was the turn of the Children who would manage to add another gold for the Binéfar Judo Club with the help of Anna Sánchez in +63kg, a Silver from Antonio Clager in -66kg, and 4 Bronzes from Hugo Agrelo in -42kg, Ivan Llena in -46kg, Izar Manuel -60kg and Selena Padilla -63 and in fifth position Julian Morillo -42, Diego Comin +66 and Sara Solano -52 managed to qualify; while his teammates Alex Radigales -38kg, Leo Fanlo -42, Hugo Penella -55 reached the medal table in seventh position and although Mario García -42 and Adrián Rico -46 did not manage to position themselves in the medal table on this occasion they had a magnificent competition with good fights in which they reported their good preparation, especially taking into account that many of them are first-year children with little experience in the competition, which predicts that these results will improve exponentially in the future if they continue working in the Technical Classroom of the IES Sierra de San Quilez of which they are part.

Junior athletes from the Binéfar Judo Club


And this same Sunday, at the Arriaga Sports Center in Vitoria, the Northern Sector Phase of the Spanish Junior Judo Championship was held, in which the judokas from the autonomies of Aragon, Navarra, the Basque Country and La Rioja were playing for the place. Spanish Championship and in which Hugo Terés, who occupied the 5th position in the ranking of the Spanish Cups in the -66kg category, and Román Vicente in -73kg, competed in the bronze match, which they lost in tight fights by the minimum, achieving a fifth position without Nor was Din Mack lucky on this occasion in the 81kg category without being able to qualify despite having had a more than magnificent competition, so this year the Binéfar Judo Club will attend represented by Mama Coulibaly who had secured a direct pass by occupying second place. national ranking position in Spanish Cups.

Cadets of the Barbastro Judo Club


On the part of the Barbastro Judo Club, despite the short time that the Club has been competing in these categories, the results are already beginning to see the light since the 3 Cadets who represented the Somontano team achieved magnificent results by achieving Juan José Oroño won Gold in the -90kg category and his brother Máximo won Silver in the -81kg category, while Adrian Garcés in -66kg did not manage to access the medal table despite having a good competition and on Sunday it was the children’s turn with the Bronze achieved by Fatumata Diarra in the -48kg category while Leo Llovera in -50kg, Martxel Armenta and Carlos Giral in -66kg were classified in fifth position and managed to access the medal table in seventh place Mario Moreno in -42kg, Manuel Samitier in – 46 kg and Daniel García in -50kg, his teammates Jorge Santiago and Mario Sicilia failed to qualify on this occasion that gave all of them the opportunity to start in the competition.

Children’s Judo Club Barbastro / Luis Abadias Pinos


And at the Tamarite Judo Club, led by their coach Juan Mediavilla, were the children’s David Puertas who competed in a very close final with his opponent, the Zaragoza native who occupies 3rd position in the Spanish ranking, achieving a more than deserved Silver medal in -46kg category, while his brother Rubén was one step away from reaching the podium in this same category and Pol Blanco did not participate on this occasion having qualified directly by occupying the first position in the national ranking.

On this occasion, the Sobrarbe Atlético Club was represented on Saturday by Adrian Lanau in the -66kg category and on Sunday by the children’s Ibon de San Pio in -38kg, who despite not having luck on this occasion and not being able to access the medal table, showed signs of his preparation and good work on the tatami

We will have to wait for the 2nd Phase of the School Games that will be held on April 6 and 7 to see how these young athletes evolve in their preparation and who will finally represent Aragón in the Spanish Championship. For the moment we will be attentive to the results that come to us next weekend from the Alicante Children’s and Cadet Super Cup.

Triple event for the judokas of the Club Ibón School

Cadets of the Ibón Huesca Club


In Vitoria, the northern sector where only the first two of each weight obtain a ticket to participate in the Final Phase of the Spanish Junior Championship, which will be held in Madrid on March 9 and 10.

Javier D. García (-81Kg), Daniel Nogaro (-66kg) and Martina Vives (-57kg) participated in Ibón as part of the Aragonese team, along with their coach Raúl Poblador. Both Martina and Daniel had an impeccable competition, with Martina winning silver and Daniel winning gold, while Javier, who began by beating one of the weight favorites, ended up being left with no option to qualify for the final phase in Madrid.

During the weekend, the 1st Phase of the School Games in the cadet and children’s categories also took place in the Zaragoza town of Monzalbarba, in which the Club Ibón School participated with more than thirty competitors, in which numerous results were obtained. medals.

Children of the Ibón Huesca Club


On Saturday, the cadets in this phase met. Angie Guerrero, David Marí, Pau Vigueras and Martín Polo did not have to participate since they currently have a direct place for the Spanish championship, but the rest of their teammates did.

We must also highlight the performance of Javier Benedí and Jon García who won gold and silver in the -73kg category. And their teammates Irene Miranda and Ixeia Félix who placed second and third respectively, performing a great competition. Víctor Mengibar, Samuel, Mejuto, Saúl Serena, Jeremy Jordán, Mario Jubero, Carla Ara, Clara Barrio and Lidia Roldan who have gained experience and although on this occasion they have not been lucky, there is still the second phase, which is the one with the highest scores for the Spanish championship.

On Sunday morning the children’s competition was held in which the little ones from the club also did really well Izarbe Suarez (-44kg), Helena Larma (-52kg) and Alberto Anoro (-55kg) won the gold, silver would be Eriste Sistac (-36kg), Leyre Civiac (- 63kg), Luna Guano (+63kg) and Simón Polo (-38kg) and Bronze for Ashley Jordán (-52kg), Álvaro Nogarol, in (-50Kg) and Leo Puicercus (- 55Kg ).

Francisco Bercero (-38kg), Marina, Rivares (-52kg), Cosme Campo and Luis Ciprés (-46kg) and Diego Casales (66kg) have also participated without getting a medal. It must be said that all of them have had an incredible competition and that for Some of them were their first participation in an Aragon championship in these categories.

The Ibón team continues to advance and achieve goals thanks to the efforts of the families and with the help of collaborators such as the Huesca City Council and our sponsors such as Huesca la Magia, Podoactiva Fisio Espacio Huesca and Heladería Elarte. The next events are the Alicante Super Cup for children and cadets next weekend.

Huesca Judo Club

Athletes from the Huesca Judo Club


On Saturday the first phase of the Aragón cadet championship was held, in which Ether Galindo was proclaimed third in -57kg, a category in which her sister Sara Galindo was proclaimed champion of Aragón. Both performed an impeccable competition and made it clear that they want to be there and fight to qualify for the final phase to be held in Pamplona. On the other hand, Leo Gracia (Club Valle de Benasque) achieved a creditable third place in a highly contested category.

On Sunday it was the turn of the children, on this occasion Julia Franco gave a good performance, continuing in the line of the work done. Martina González achieved first place in -63kg, a medal that reflects the effort of this athlete even with an injury involved.

Athletes from the Huesca Judo Club


Carlos Martín, Jimena Martín, Enrique Pradel and Diego Larrey did not have to compete in this competition since they are classified among the top three in the national ranking.

Finally, the juniors traveled to Vitoria for the Spanish Championship “Northern Sector” phase. This time Candela Pérez and Guillermo Gracia achieved first place that allows them to qualify for the Final phase of the Spanish Junior Championship that will be held on March 9 and 10 in Madrid.

On this occasion, Andres Cejalvo, suffering from a complicated injury, could not get his place even though he did a good job. Eduardo Miranda will go directly to the final phase since he is in first place in the National Ranking, which gives him a direct ticket to Madrid.

Samurai Judo School

Club Judo Samurai


The children’s judokas and cadets of the Samurai Judo School traveled to Monzalbarba: the children’s; Andria Jitchonaia (-50kg) and the cadets; Elías Garzo (-60kg), Javier Barrero (-60kg), Nicolas Arismendi (-60kg), Saba Totladze (-60kg), José Gallego (-66kg), Luis Banzo (-66kg) Joaquín Aníes (-73kg) and Oscar Usón (-73kg)

All of them had a good competition and won several of their fights, Andria reached the final and lost, becoming the runner-up in Aragón, on the other hand, Luis Banzo and Joaquín Aniés won the bronze medal, Elías Garzo also fought for the bronze, but in the end he took 5th place. Congratulations to all of them and may they continue on this good path of improvement

2024-02-28 20:07:50
#School #Games #Sector #Phase #Spanish #Junior #Championship #focused #activity #Alto #Aragonese #judokas #Radio #Huesca


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