Texas Building Military Base on Border with Mexico to Contain Irregular Immigration

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The base will have the capacity to house 1,800 National Guard soldiers, although it could be expanded to accommodate 2,300.

Texas is building a military base on the banks of the Rio Grande, on the border with Mexico, to contain irregular immigration, the state’s governor, Greg Abbott, announced this Friday from the city of Eagle Pass.

The base, which will have the capacity to house 1,800 National Guard soldiers and could be expanded to 2,300, will “consolidate” the forces, instead of keeping them “dispersed in many different places” in the area, which “will increase the capacity of Texas military department personnel in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and efficiently,” said the Republican governor.

The construction of the base is part of a wide series of measures promoted by Abbott to confront the migratory flow and secure the border with the Latin American country, which includes the deployment of thousands of soldiers and the construction of an improvised wall along of the border with cargo containers and barbed wire, among others.

Last January, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded 68,260 migrant encounters, a considerable decrease compared to the 149,806 who attempted to enter the country from Mexico through of the Texas territory in December of last year, and also with respect to the meetings in October and November, which constituted 119,628 and 111,129, respectively. The governor attributed the decrease in crossings to his measures.

(Taken from RT)

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2024-02-17 15:35:01
#Texas #builds #military #base #border #Mexico #irregular #immigration


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