The fan who “touched Lucas Ocampos’ gluteus with a finger” in Vallecas is fined 6,000 euros

The Commission against Violence, Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance in Sport has proposed a fine of 6,000 euros and a ban on access to sports venues for a period of 12 months for the fan who “touched his buttock with a finger” to Sevilla FC player Lucas Ocampos, in the duel against Rayo Vallecano on February 5, according to Ruropa Press. Related News standard No Rayo – Sevilla Ocampos, on her incident with a fan: «This happens in women’s football and we would be saying something else» Nacho Pérez opinion If the pool El dedo de Vallecas Alberto García Reyes «Proposal for a sanction of 6,000 euros and prohibition of access to sports venues for a period of 12 months to an identified minor fan of the local team who, in the Rayo-Sevilla match, and who was sitting in the front row, touched a player’s buttock with a finger “when I was going to leave the band,” the entity reported. During the match last Monday, February 5, after half an hour of play, with the score at 1-1, the Argentine striker was preparing to take a throw-in when a fan located in the first row of the stands stuck a finger in his year . The player made the offender’s gesture ugly and complained about it to referee Hernández Maeso, who warned the field delegate. The incident was reflected in the minutes. Anti-violence described this act as “serious” because it went “against the integrity of the footballer.” In addition, they criticized the “jocular and defiant attitude” of the follower and his companions, and recalled the statements condemning the gesture of both clubs, as well as the filing of a complaint against the author of this attack before the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office by of the league. 80,000 euros for throwing a flare at rival fans In addition, Antiviolencia proposed 80,000 euros and a four-year ban on access to any sports venue for a UD Las Palmas fan for throwing a lit flare at local fans in the recent Tenerife-Las Palmas match. of the King’s Cup. The fall of this lit flare to this stand caused a serious dangerous situation for all the spectators that could have caused serious injuries and burns of varying degrees to the fans, among whom there were several minors, reported Anti-Violence. In addition, the commission has proposed another fine of 20,000 euros and a ban on access to any sports venue for a period of 12 months for another Las Palmas fan who introduced and activated two other flares in the visiting fans’ stands during the same period. an encounter that caused a large smoke, fire and sparks in addition to a serious risk situation for the rest of the spectators. The Commission imposes these very serious sanction proposals on these two fans in response to the dangerous situation for the rest of the spectators who were watching this football match and reminds all football clubs and fans that access with devices is strictly prohibited. pyrotechnics inside a sports venue. Likewise, the Anti-Violence Commission showed its condolences for the death of a security guard at the end of the UD Las Palmas-Valencia CF match, who was working at the Gran Canaria stadium. On the other hand, it has fined Sevilla FC 55,000 euros for allowing access to 29 radical and violent members of the team’s followers to the grounds of the José Ramón Cisneros Palacios Sports City, during a team training session and also authorizing these people to Interviews with members of the first team squad. «We must remember that members of this club have participated in violent acts, which were reported by the Commission against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport to Sevilla FC, and collected by this club in its Record Book. Follower Activities,” he indicated. Likewise, it has agreed to another proposal for a sanction of 40,000 euros to Deportivo Alavés SAD for not having removed from the sports venue all those mentions that, in the form of murals, graffiti and stickers, promote the group Iraultza 1921, whose members have been the subject of violent conduct. , racist, xenophobic and intolerant. The Commission reminded the Vitorian club that it had already been warned and proposed for sanction on another previous occasion for the existence of the aforementioned symbology, “not having made any modification in this regard since the last inspection, as requested.”
2024-02-14 12:37:42
#fan #touched #Lucas #Ocampos #gluteus #finger #Vallecas #fined #euros


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